TOPIC: FORCE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS TEXT: ROMANS 5:17 - 21 MEMORY VERSE: ROM 3:21 INTRODUCTION To ‘justify’ simply means to declare righteous and to be righteous means to have a right standing. Therefore righteousness is to stand before God without any sense of guilt, condemnation or inferiority, having a complete knowledge that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fully satisfy the claims of justice for us to become the righteousness of God. Righteousness is a free gift of God to us who believe and have accepted the sacrifice of His Son for our sin. Righteousness does not have anything to do with external things, neither is it a spiritual state we attain after certain number of years of walking with God. It is simply an act of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ by his death, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father. EVALUATION 1. Understanding Righteousness (This evaluation is intended to help us appreciate, know, re...
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