Faith is and will always be a personal issue, and faith is based on the word of God only, every other ground is sinking sand. The purpose of this short piece is to open our eyes to some of the subtle tricks of the enemy to diffuse our faith and make it impotent such that we get little or no results in our walk of faith. There are so many believers out there who are basing their faith on the experiences of other people, whether positive or negative experiences. It may appear fine if those experiences were positive experiences, but it isn’t altogether right, and in the case where the experiences are negative, it will completely drown your faith. Now, I am aware that there are Christians who never seem to require faith or who never seem to use their faith so to say, because they always have an alternative to faith. But sooner than later there will come a time that you will have to stand for yourself in faith, and the true worth of your faith will show forth. While I ackno...
...enriching the faith of the saints