You may very well know that mountains represent obstacles, limitations or challenges in life that seem to deter you from making progress or moving forward. Sometimes, the Mountain appears so large that you begin to wonder if truly you can ever overcome it. At other times it is not only the largeness of the mountain that bothers you, but the timing and condition at which you are now confronted with it. The fact remains that the challenges of life comes to us all whether we are prepared or not. It is therefore how we handle and deal with these challenges that set the difference in our lives. It is not as though we are all confronted with the same Mountain, no, our mountains are as different as our faces, but the goal of the Mountains confronting us remain the same - to limit us. In Zechariah 4:7, ( Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain ) Zerubbabel was confronted with such a mountain and it definitely looked like a hopeless situ...
...enriching the faith of the saints