There are so many believers today that are confused about what true biblical faith is. This problem obviously is tied to the various teachings that we have on the subject of faith. However, regardless of what your view on the subject of faith is, there are certain things that are constant and consistent with faith. The essence of this short piece is to highlight one of the things that we know to be consistent with faith which is Rest. Faith isn’t mere boldface, it is quietness and absolute confidence in God and in His word. One of the key indicators to know whether you are in faith or not is to check if you are rested. If you are not rested concerning any issue, then you are not in faith concerning it. Let me quickly clarify at this point before we move any further that the rest we are talking about is not synonymous to being laid back or to assume a “ce sera sera” mentality, for that is the mentality of an atheist. In his classic, Sit Walk and Stand, Watchman Nee des...
...enriching the faith of the saints