It is true that money answers all things, and it is very important that you can always access money whenever you need it. I mean think of the possibility of being able to afford whatever you desire; that will be great! So, it isn’t surprising that people will channel their best effort into making money, same applies to many believers, as long as it is legal, they go for it. However, the thing that is of concern to me, and I believe to God also, is that there seem to be too many believers seeking financial prosperity using the world’s formula. You see, the key thing in the financial prosperity equation is the BLESSING; if the Blessing is upon whatever you are doing, you are bound to prosper. It goes to say that you need to allow the Lord to lead you to do whatever He has chosen to prosper you through. Now, you may be wondering if you have to hear God expressly before you take on any assignment or venture. Well, that will be great, but just like Kenneth E. Hagin said, you c...
...enriching the faith of the saints