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Showing posts from May, 2019

How to be Consistent III

In the first part of this series, we took a look at being consistent and considered that the first area to focus on in attempting to live consistently will be to bridge the gap between what you know and what you truly believe. We established that your life begins to take shape soon after this gap is closed. In the second part, we discussed the importance of starting with what you have and from where you are, and letting God’s help meet you in action. The next step then at living a consistent life will be to stick with what you are doing. I do not in any way mean that you cannot pivot into something else, but the truth is that many pivot too quickly because they lack the staying power to get things off the ground. When you don’t stay long enough with something, you may not even know whether pivoting is the right thing to do or not. Sometimes, it could be that you are supposed to pivot, but the time has not yet come for that pivot, and at other times it could be that you are no...