"The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is unclouded, your whole body will be full of light. Matt.6:22 (GWT) Many believers underestimate the importance of certain abilities, and by so doing, tend to miss out on a whole lot. One of those abilities that is often underestimated is Focus. The ability to focus is a very powerful thing, unfortunately, not everyone has got it. There are certain abilities that you don’t even have to be born with, you can develop yourself, until you have complete mastery, and Focus is one of such. Our text says if your eye is unclouded, that is another way of saying if you are focused. There are too many people who are focused more on what others are doing than on what they should be doing, this is a wrong type of focus. Whether you are in an employment, in business, or in ministry, you must stay focused on the dream that God has placed in your heart, and do all that you can to achieve it. Don’t be the type of person who knows more...
...enriching the faith of the saints