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Showing posts from October, 2023

Don't Take Offence

The story of the Syrophoenician woman in Matthew chapter 15 is one that every believer must take proper note of, because from this story we learn one of the most vital lessons of our Christian faith. If you carefully read the story from Verse 21, you will see that this woman approached Jesus for the healing of her daughter, because she probably had heard that Jesus performed many miracles, and healed many people. If she could get to Jesus with this issue, there was hope for a turn around, and so she sought after Him. She finally had her opportunity as Jesus and His disciples passed by, and she took advantage and cried out for help where He could hear her. Jesus’ response was such as could throw anyone off balance - “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” It was a huge opportunity to take offence at Jesus, and lose sight of what she was seeking. For one thing, I always wondered why she did not take offence at those words. I know that today many believers ...