Expect a Miracle: My Life and Ministry - Oral Roberts
Do you want to read a story about a faith journey; not a faith walk but a faith journey? Do you want to know what it’s like to go from one level of the call of God to the next level? Do you want to read a triumphant story of a man who overcame adversities and challenges that should have kept him down but who ended up being one of the greatest Giants in the Faith? Expect a Miracle by Oral Roberts is the book that will address all of that as well as take your faith to the next level.
Expect a Miracle is an autobiography about the life and ministry of Oral Roberts. It’s a story about a stuttering little preacher’s kid born to carry out his parents’ faith, expectancy and belief in miracles.
Oral Roberts attributes his success in life to his ability to hear God when He speaks and to obey. His commitment and dedication to obeying the voice of God put strains on his relationships both personal and professional. Expect a Miracle shows how friendships and relationships can be tested and tried, but the ones that are meant to survive will do just that; survive.
One of the most memorable chapters in the book is “Make No Little Plans Here”. Oral Roberts discusses how he navigated successfully from being the groundbreaking, monumental healing evangelist, laying hands and praying for over 1.5 million sick people, to becoming the founder and president of the leading charismatic University of the 20th Century. He shares how during this process he had never felt more alone as he had to face to face with the reality of his board of directors threatening to leave. You have to read the rest of the chapter to find out what exactly happens. Let’s just say everyone knew where everyone stood with each other when this fateful meeting was over.
In 1963 Oral Roberts opened the doors to Oral Roberts University. The Lord spoke to Oral the words that every student commits to memory and heart: “Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased.”
Expect a Miracle will, if you allow it, cause you to explore every area of your life. You will examine your relationship with your friends. Can they go to the next level with you as you change or are they just for this season? You will look at your relationship with God; will you obey when it’s not comfortable? If you have children, are you praying for them, are you leaving a legacy for them to carry on? This book will encourage every parent who has a child who seemingly is not living the life you raised them to live. The seeds planted in their lives, the messages they have heard, the prayers that they have had prayed over them will ring in their ears until they have no choice but to look to Jesus. Mothers who are praying for their children will find comfort in knowing that their prayers don’t go unheard by God. This is noted as Oral Roberts talks about his spunky mother, Mrs. Priscilla Roberts, who never stopped praying for him.
Oral Roberts- (U.S. Evangelist 1918-2009) founder and chancellor of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, he is recognized as one of the outstanding personalities of his generation. The son of a Pentecostal preacher, he underwent a conversion experience in 1935. He spent 12 years as a pastor in several towns in the South and built up his own organization, the Pentecostal Holiness Church. He studied at Oklahoma Baptist College (1943 – 45). He began an itinerant ministry of faith healing in the late 1940s. The Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, based in Tulsa, Okla., became the parent organization for other endeavors, including a publishing firm. He is the author of more than one hundred books and founder of the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, which sponsors weekly and daily television programs..
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