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Showing posts from April, 2014

Effective Prayers FOP/BSS/013

TOPIC:  Effective Prayers TEXT: Matt. 6:5-8 MEMORY VERSE: Jas. 5:16 INTRODUCTION Prayer is more than merely making a request to God. It is a life of communion with the Father, which is God’s desire for all His children. The response of God to the request  we sometimes make in our prayer time is not as important as the effect of the times spent on praying on our recreated human spirit. This is because prayer bathes the soul an atmosphere of the divine presence  and brings the mind under the hallowed influence of such communion. Indeed prayer is a vital part of a believer’s life, as Jesus encouraged persistence in prayer built on confidence in a loving heavenly Father who pays attention to His children. For a believer’s prayer to be effective, there are Biblical principles that must be followed and this is what we hope to lay hold on in this study. EVALUATIONS 1.God’s Provision for Effective Prayers a) Heb. 4:16, Rom. 5:1-2 b) John 16:23-24, John 1...

The Authority of the Believer FOP/BSS/012

TOPIC:  The Authority of the Believer TEXT: Eph. 1:18-23 MEMORY VERSE: Lk. 10:19 INTRODUCTION Authority from the Greek word, “Exousia”, means delegated power. The authority of the believer is the power and official permission given to the believer by God to act on His behalf and in His interest. The authority of the believer is backed up by the power of the Almighty God and released to every believer at new birth. However, this is an aspect of our Christian walk that very few believers know much about. The believer’s authority does not belong to a special set of people, it belongs to every believer. The enemy will continue to  do everything possible to stop us from having a revelation of this authority we have in Christ. EVALUATIONS 1. Discuss Authority 2. Basis of our Authority a) Jn. 1:12, Eph. 2:6 b) Matt. 18:18, Job 22:28 c) Lk. 9:1, Matt. 10;1 d) I Jn. 4:4, 5:4 e) Rev. 5:10 3.  Exercising Authority a)  Lk. 8:24-25 b) Job 10:12,14...

Growing in Grace II FOP/BSS/011

TOPIC:  Growing in Grace II Sub-Topic: Grace of Giving TEXT: 2 Cor. 8:1013 MEMORY VERSE: 2 Cor. 8:7   INTRODUCTION Giving is an expression of love and it is a major attribute of our loving Father. But God shows and clearly proves His (own) love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners Christ, the messiah, the anointed one, died for us! Rom. 5:8 (Amp). Scripture teaches us that apart from the fact that giving is an expression of love, it is a basic requirement for a continuous reception of good things. The one who gives never lacks. Giving can be seen from two angles; vertical and horizontal giving. The vertical giving has to do with giving to God; first our lives, worship and love. The horizontal giving has to do with giving to our fellow humans. There are many aspects of giving but for the purpose of this study, we will limit ourselves to giving our resources by means of tithes, offerings, seeds and meeting the needs of the brethren.   EVALUATIONS ...


TOPIC:  Growing in Grace I Sub-Topic: Grace for Service TEXT: Rom 12:3, 6-8 MEMORY VERSE: 2 Pet 3:18 INTRODUCTION Growth is a natural universal and valid law that cuts across every living creature. When we are born into the family of God, He does not expect us to just settle down in our comfort zone, rather He expects us to grow in grace. Grace goes beyond salvation, it is also the supernatural ability of God upon a man’s life that enables him to do beyond his physical might or ability. Our salvation was birthed by God’s grace, therefore our sustenance in the race can only be by His grace. There  are several areas of our lives that God expects us to grow in grace, but we will focus this study on growing in the grace of service to which we have been called by God. EVALUATIONS 1.  Need to serve. (Here, we get insight into the passion and urgency in the heart of God for men to avail themselves to serve in His vineyard) a) Matt. 9:37-38 b) Matt. 28:19 c...

Eternal Life (Zoe) FOP/BSS/009

TOPIC:  Eternal Life (Zoe) TEXT: 1Jn. 5:9-13 MEMORY VERSE: Jn. 10:10 INTRODUCTION Eternal life (Zoe) refers to the life of God, the  very essence of  who God is. God’s original plan at creation was that man would live forever in constant communion with Him, having dominion over everything that had been created. But when man disobeyed in the garden, spiritual death possessed him and he was severed from the life of God. God in His boundless love restored this life back to man through His dear Son Jesus. This life (Zoe) is the greatest gift God has ever given to man, because this life knows no end, failure, boundary or limitation whatsoever; it is a life of absolute victory and dominion. This life has been given to us to the intent that we should live a higher life, even while we remain on  earth. EVALUATIONS 1.  Understanding Zoe (This evaluation sheds light into what Zoe actually is so that we can appreciate this precious gift of Go...