TOPIC: Eternal Life (Zoe)
TEXT: 1Jn. 5:9-13
Eternal life (Zoe) refers to the life of God, the very essence of who God is.
God’s original plan at creation was that man would live forever in constant communion with Him, having dominion over everything that had been created. But when man disobeyed in the garden, spiritual death possessed him and he was severed from the life of God.
God in His boundless love restored this life back to man through His dear Son Jesus. This life (Zoe) is the greatest gift God has ever given to man, because this life knows no end, failure, boundary or limitation whatsoever; it is a life of absolute victory and dominion.
This life has been given to us to the intent that we should live a higher life, even while we remain on earth.
1. Understanding Zoe
(This evaluation sheds light into what Zoe actually is so that we can appreciate this precious gift of God for the entire mankind)
a) Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:8
b) 1Jn. 5:11-12, Jn. 17:2-3
c) 1Jn. 5:13
2. What Zoe guarantees
(In this evaluation, we shall concern ourselves with what we stand to enjoy from the moment we become carriers of this life)
a) Jn. 10:28, Jn. 5:24
b) Jn. 1:4, Jn. 8:12
c) 1Jn. 5:4, 1Jn. 4:4
d) Rom. 5:17
e) Mk. 16:17-18
3. Maximizing Zoe
(This evaluation hammers on the role that we must be play for us to walk and operate in the fullness of this God life)
a) 1Tim. 6:11-12
b) Jam. 1:22-25, Jos. 1:8
c) Col. 1:9-10, Eph. 1:18
Eternal life brings the fullness of God into our natural human existence and all that we now enjoy of it is but a foretaste of what is to come in the fullness of time.
We cannot afford to make light God’s gift of eternal life. Let us allow this life (Zoe) to find full expression in us, for this is the will of the father for everyone of us who are His children.
Zoe - Kenneth E. Hagin
Two kinds of life - E. W. Kenyon
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