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Believe in God's love for you

Have you ever wondered why believers lack faith in their faith?

1 John 4:16a (KJV)
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.

Galatians 5:6 (AMP)
For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love.

My purpose for sharing this short piece is just to awaken your consciousness to God’s love for you, thereby stirring up your faith for greater things that God intends to do in your life.

I will begin by quoting what a senior friend said to me some year back which has stuck with me ever since, he said, “if a person isn’t sure that God truly loves him/her, then such a person’s faith can never work.” I have thought about that statement for years, and I have come to the conclusion that it is true.

Alas, this is the position of many believers today, and that perhaps includes you. If you have never really come to terms with the love that God has for you, you are bound to live in constant fear of failure and defeat, and your faith can never rise above your head.

The best way to illustrate God’s love to you is to make you see that no one ever gives up something of more value for something of lesser value, hence, God would not have given up Jesus to die for you if you were of lesser value to Him. I know that may rock your theology a bit, but that is the absolute truth; that God loves you just as much as He loves Jesus. If your mind can’t accept this fact, you will never hold your place as a successful Christian.

If you have never fully accepted that God loves you as much as He loves Jesus, your faith will never work because you will never have faith in your own faith. This is the reason many believers have more faith in their pastor’s faith than they do in their own faith; they simply believe that God loves their pastor more than He loves them. Unfortunately, many pastors have also not helped matters because they have continued to hold people in bondage with teachings that point to themselves rather than to the finished work of Christ on the behalf of the believer. Think about it for a minute, why should God love your pastor more than you, considering that God is not a respecter of persons? The truth is that He doesn’t, but you probably think He does, and it is on that basis that you unconsciously have more faith in your pastor’s prayer than in yours. I understand that your pastor holds a special place as one called into the ministry, but he isn’t holding brief for you.

Friends, if your faith will ever produce the kind of results you desire, then you must first settle the issue of love once and for all. Do you really believe God loves you? Or have you just accepted the saying because you hear it said every day in church, and you want to make God look nice, even though in your heart you still doubt His love.

I have found out that many believers don’t have a problem with the commandment of Jesus to love others, they only have a problem accepting deep down in their heart that God loves them regardless of their past and even present. If you are such a person, I will advise you to take a personal study on the subject of righteousness, and to help you better, I will advise you get a copy of the book Two Kinds of Righteousness by E. W. Kenyon. It is a master piece on the subject.

You may have had some horrible experiences that makes you doubt that God can ever love you like He loves some “special people”, I tell you nothing can be farther from the truth than that. God loves you with the same measure of love that He loves every other person, it is up to you to accept or turn down His love.

Your acceptance of God’s love has some very far reaching effect on your faith which you may not even be aware of. Our second text says faith works by love, and this doesn’t just mean your ability to walk in love, but also your ability to receive the love of God. As long as you remain in that place where you are still doubting God’s love for you, your faith will be impotent. You will try all the faith gimmicks you know but will have very little results to show for it, because your faith has no foundation on which it is standing.

I encourage you to take a study of the book of 1 John, this book will reveal more to you about God’s love for you. Prayerfully meditate on the verses and I assure you that your faith will begin to move mountains.


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