Luke 11:34
The light of the body
is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of
light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.
We understand that faith is a spiritual currency with which
we transact in the realm of the spirit. Hence, to be poor in faith is to lack
sufficient transactional power with which to make dealings beyond the physical.
Every believer has a measure of faith, but some have developed theirs while
others haven’t really done much. The implication for those who haven’t done
much with their faith is that they seem to have limited results compared to
those who have put in effort to develop their faith. One of the reasons why
those who haven’t developed their faith so much get limited results is because
many times they tend to spread their limited faith energy in different
directions, hence, the intensity of their faith becomes weaker in the various
area it has been applied, which in turn may lead to little or no results.
The solution to this is in learning how to focus your faith energy
in a certain direction per time and getting your faith to produce the result
you desire. When your faith is scattered on different fronts particularly with
a limited faith capacity as we said earlier, then your faith becomes ineffectual.
In such a situation, it becomes very important to focus your faith energy to
achieve a set goal before moving on to achieve another. While it may be
possible for those who have developed a robust faith to take on several issues
at once and achieve great results in all, an attempt to lump everything up and
spread your faith across all grounds with limited faith capacity may mean losing
out completely on all grounds.But as you learn to deal with one issue at a time, and focus
your faith, you will get results that will stir up your faith for greater
things. As this happens, your capacity for faith will grow gradually to the
point where you can take on several issues at once with your faith and conquer
on all grounds.
Take for instance that you are desirous of healing in your
body, you will have to focus your faith on dealing with that health challenge. That
could mean studying and meditating on the subject of healing, reading healing
scriptures to yourself, reading literature that teach on healing or
listening to healing messages, and possibly attending healing meetings. All of
these are geared towards strengthening your faith to receive your healing. But when
you are believing God for healing and you are spending most of your time
studying on how to find the right partner, and attending marriage seminars, then your faith tends to loose focus and you
greatly reduce the capacity of your faith to receive your healing. Don't be mistaken, it isn't out of place to give attention to other things, but it is paramount to give the most attention to the issue that must be dealt with. The same
theory applies to your finances, career, family and other areas of need.
There are too many believers who find it really hard to focus
and this is the reason why they remain stagnant for so long. Some prefer to
jump all around, and make some noise, while others mistakenly assume that being
in association with other people who are producing results will improve their
lot in life, but they themselves will not put their hands on the plough. Such assumptions are very dangerous, and will eventually lead to frustration. It is
time for you to begin to put your own faith to work by giving it more focus, and if you have being putting yours to work, it is time to improve your results by focusing even more.
You should note carefully that when you put your faith on the
line for something, and you get that assurance of faith that you have received, then you can move on to other things with your faith even though you haven't yet seen the physical manifestation of what you believed you received. Your faith has already conquered and you know it is only a matter
of time before the physical manifestation.
The ability to focus your faith, beginning with little things
will help you to greatly develop you faith capacity and in no time you will be
able to spread your faith across several grounds and take possession of them
all. But it all begins by getting your faith to work with good focus.
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