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Which is easier; your sins be forgiven or rise and be healed?

If you have attended church or read your bible some, you may be familiar with our topic in this write-up. It is not the exact way that the scripture puts it, but I have taken the liberty to rephrase it for the purpose of this discussion. Our text (Mk. 2: 1-11) reflects an encounter Jesus had with a man who was paralyzed. This man was carried by four men, who were probably his friends or relatives. He was brought to a house where a crowd had gathered to hear Jesus in Capernaum (some scholars believe that this was Jesus’ private home). By the time these men arrived, they couldn’t gain access because the house was full and the crowd that gathered had taken up every space including the walkways such that they could even get past the door.

Interestingly, the scribes were also among the crowd that had gathered to hear Jesus on that day, and if you are familiar with the scribes and Pharisees, you will know that they were always looking for ways to fault Jesus and to discredit His ministry. Well, these four men who had carried the paralyzed man would not give up simply because they couldn’t gain access through the door, they decided to do something else – dig up the roof of the building and lower the paralyzed man in the room directly in front of Jesus, and this they succeeded in doing.

Again, if you are familiar with the way Jesus healed people, He would simply say “your faith has made you whole” or “be it done to you according to your faith.” I am sure those were common phrases that everyone around Jesus including the scribes and Pharisees had heard severally. However, on this day, it was different, Jesus looked at the paralyzed man and said “Son, your sins be forgiven thee.” The scribes must have thought that they were dreaming; which man had the power and authority on earth to forgive another man’s sins? This is the peak of blasphemy they thought. Jesus knowing the thought running through their minds then asked a very important question. The message translation of the bible puts it this way – which is simpler: to say to the paraplegic, “I forgive your sins,” or say, “Get up, take your stretcher and start walking”? Well, just so it’s clear that I’m the son of man and authorized to do either, or both…” astonishing!

In order words, Jesus deliberately used that phrase so He could call their attention to something really important. Interestingly, Jesus is still trying to draw the attention of many believers to this truth even today. Jesus was in essence saying that the same authority or power I have to heal, is the same authority I have to forgive sins. The same sacrifice covers for your sins as much as for your sickness. Hence, sickness has no legal right to stay in your body, the same way sin has no dominion over you. Like F. F. Bosworth puts it Christ has borne in His body all our physical liabilities on account of sin, our bodies are therefore released judicially from disease.

God wouldn’t have to expend more power to get you healed than He already has expended in getting you saved, God wouldn’t have to expend more power to get you to live in divine health than He already has expended in getting you saved. It is the same sacrifice, the same power and authority, the price is fully paid. This is very important and until this consciousness dominates you, you may not be able to enjoy the fullness of the blessing where your health is concerned. If you are a Christian and you are not enjoying health and healing, you are missing out on something that has already been completely paid for, and that you are fully entitled to.

Some folks often ask why we bother about divine health and healing when we have got medical science. Thank God for medical science and good doctors, I believe God has put medical science in place to help us, but ultimately our trust cannot rest in medical science. The fact remains that medical science in all its discoveries is still limited and can help only so far, but there are no limits to God’s power to heal or keep in health. There are many diseases today as there will always be, that medical science cannot deal with, but that God’s power can destroy in a moment.

You do not need more faith for your health and healing, what you have is sufficient, and even if you do, you can build up more on the word of God. You don’t have to feel anything to know that you are in health or healed just the same way you didn’t feel anything to know you were saved. Take God’s word and act on it right now, it is more than sufficient for any deficiency in your life.

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