We know from ancient times that man has always sought to
communicate with some greater being other than himself and this he has found
room to demonstrate in prayer. For the believer, prayer is communion with the
Almighty God, it isn’t a duty, but a privilege. Prayer can be really
fascinating when you pray and get answers to your prayers. Prayer can also
become really boring when you pray but don’t get any answers, as a matter of fact
it can become frustrating. Interestingly, many people who pray and don’t get
results never expected to get answers in the first place. Not getting answers
to their prayers only justified their position that God wasn’t going to answer
anyway; they only prayed just to satisfy their conscience. Well, the reason why
they got nothing is quite obvious; they expected nothing.
Finney in his classic on prayer noted that God may not answer
every prayer according to its letter but He surely will according to its
spirit. The real spirit of prayer is evermore this, “thy kingdom come – thy
will be done”, and this God will assuredly answer, because He has so abundantly
promised to do this very thing in answer to prayer. We know that God truly
hears prayers and He answers but the way He responds may be different from the
way you thought He did respond.
The thought that God may answer prayers according to its
spirit and not just according to the letter of the prayer brings another
objection to prayer, that God is unchangeable and therefore cannot turn aside
to hear prayers. Again Finney gives the best answer I have seen to this
objection when he said “the objection to prayers that God is unchangeable and
therefore cannot turn aside to hear prayer is altogether a fallacy and the
result of ignorance. Consider what the true idea of God’s unchangeableness is.
Surely it is not that His course of conduct never changes to meet
circumstances, but it is thus – that His character never changes and His nature
and principles which control His voluntary actions remain eternally the same.
All His natural, all His moral attributes remain forever unchanged. This is all
that can rationally be implied in God’s immutability. Now, His hearing and
answering prayer imply no change of character – no change in His principles of
action. Indeed if you ask why He ever answers prayer at all, the answer must be
because of He is unchangeable.” From Finney’s words we get a good grasp of what
God’s unchangeableness really means; that God is unchangeably good, that He is
unchangeably benevolent, that He is unchangeably kind and merciful. As you read
through scriptures, you will find this to be true, there were several instances
where God had to change His course of action, guided by His eternal and
unchanging principles by which He remains God.
Now suppose you pray and get no answer, you should not just conclude
that whatever will be will be, that should not be the position of a believer.
The scripture teaches us to persevere in prayers. In Luke’s gospel chapter 11
and 18, Jesus taught on the need for persistence and importunity in prayers.
There are times that you have to tarry with an issue before God and plead your
case before Him, and this may not be in just one prayer session. It is not
always as easy when you have to tarry for long before God for an issue, but
always bear in mind the unchanging character and temperament of God as you
tarry before Him.
Some may consider it a lack of faith to persist with an issue
before the Lord in prayer. Well, the principle of the prayer of faith as we
well know it may differ from other types of prayers. While we cannot delve into
all that in this piece, bear in mind that while faith is required for every
prayer, not every prayer is a prayer of faith. You say what do I mean? The
scripture tells us that whoever comes to God must believe that He is God and
that He is a rewarder of them that seek Him, so faith is required to approach
God irrespective of the kind of prayer.
Suppose that you were praying for the salvation of a loved
one that is unsaved, you cannot claim to make a prayer of faith because as far
as salvation is concerned, the unsaved person has got a part to play beyond
your faith – such person must accept the gift of salvation. But where your
personal needs are concerned, you can pray the prayer of faith.
More importantly is that even where the prayer of faith is
concerned you can still persist in thanksgiving even when the physical evidence
suggest otherwise. Hence, the principle of persistence and importunity still
very much apply to the prayer of faith.
As you approach God in prayer, do so knowing that He is
unchangeably benevolent and ever willing to answer your prayer not just
according to the words but according to its spirit, which is evermore - thy
will be done, and when it appears as though you haven’t got any answers just
yet, persist in prayer, He will definitely come through for you.
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