It is often said that the enemy of better is good, in like manner, one may conclude that the enemy of faith is mental assent. This is so because while those who are in complete unbelief know where exactly they stand and why they are unable to receive from God, the one who is mentally assenting supposes that he/she in faith, yet is still unable to receive his/her desires from God. Mental assent is so close to faith that it is often times easy to be mentally assenting to the word of God while assuming that you are in faith. Faith is a product of the revealed word of God (Rhema) to the human spirit. Faith comes when we receive light from God’s word, signifying that the word of God is crucial to building faith. As you hear and meditate or reflect on God’s word, light will come to you and faith will be there. Faith development is therefore a process of a lifetime because as long as that cycle of hearing and meditating is sustained, your faith will continue to develop. On the ot...
...enriching the faith of the saints