It is often said that the enemy of better is good, in like
manner, one may conclude that the enemy of faith is mental assent. This is so
because while those who are in complete unbelief know where exactly they stand
and why they are unable to receive from God, the one who is mentally assenting
supposes that he/she in faith, yet is still unable to receive his/her desires
from God. Mental assent is so close to faith that it is often times easy to be
mentally assenting to the word of God while assuming that you are in faith.
Faith is a product of the revealed word of God (Rhema) to the
human spirit. Faith comes when we receive light from God’s word, signifying
that the word of God is crucial to building faith. As you hear and meditate or
reflect on God’s word, light will come to you and faith will be there. Faith
development is therefore a process of a lifetime because as long as that cycle
of hearing and meditating is sustained, your faith will continue to develop.
On the other hand, mental assent is a product of mere head
knowledge and not a revelation of the word of God. So while faith is quick to
believe the word of God and act on it, mental assent also believes but never
really acts. While faith says I believe and I know that healing is mine now
regardless of the pain or symptoms; mental assent says I believe that God can
heal me and it stops right there, it never takes a stand that healing is mine
right now.
To mentally assent to the word is to believe in the ability
of God to do what He says, but to be in doubt of His willingness to do it for
you, while faith not only believes in God’s ability but also trust in His
willingness to do what He says.
The line between mental assent and faith is so thin at
certain points that you may get it mixed up but there is a story in the bible
that best illustrates our point. In John’s gospel chapter 11, we read of a
certain family who was close to Jesus. Lazarus, a member of the family was sick
and his sisters Martha and Mary sent for Jesus to come so that He could make
their brother well. Jesus didn’t show up when they expected Him and eventually
Lazarus died. The situation looked hopeless and the sisters must have been
greatly disappointed in Jesus for not showing up when He got the message that His
friend Lazarus was sick. Eventually, Jesus showed up four days after, and the
sick man was already dead and had been buried. While Jesus was still on the
way, just before He entered their town, they got wind that Jesus was coming and
Martha ran to meet Him where He was to express her disappointment (Jn 11:21-27).
They had a brief conversation, and the most striking part of that conversation
was when Jesus categorically told Martha that her brother would rise again,
then He asked if she believed. Notice that she answered with a serious
deviation from the question that Jesus asked, and her answer demonstrates most
clearly what mental assent is – she answered that she believed He was Christ.
But that wasn’t the subject of discussion, the real subject was whether or not
she believed that her brother will rise now that Jesus had come on the scene. She
had just finished saying she knew that whatever He asked God, He will get, but
when Jesus put the real question to her, she missed it. Why did she answer the
way she did? She was only mentally assenting to the word of God but real faith
was absent. She believed that He was God, she believed in His ability to do
everything, but she did not believe in His love and His willingness to what He
was saying at that moment - this is the key weakness of mental assent.
The secret of moving from mental assent to real faith is
believing in the love that God has for you, (1
Jn. 4:16 And we have
known and believed the love that God hath to us), and believing in His willingness to
do whatever you desire of Him according to His word. The leper in Mark 1:40-41
said to Jesus, if you will, you can make me clean and Jesus answered in the
affirmative “I will”. I can tell you one thing for sure, He is always willing.
Take practical steps to consciously work on your faith, move from mentally assenting
to God’s word to having real faith by which you can lead a victorious Christian
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