God’s plan and expectation for every man is that each one
will be productive in his/her life’s work, and in God’s sight, nothing will
serve to justify your lack of productivity. However, there are some people who
have chosen to be unproductive, but masquerade as people who are productive by
their association with others who are truly productive. This is a pitfall that
you must strive to avoid at any cost as it relates to your work or ministry.
Being productive in your work requires some level of commitment
to see progress and results. Even when these results are not forthcoming as you
may have expected, the appropriate thing to do is to stay there until you get
your desires results. It is possible that in the course of your waiting or
putting in diligent effort, God will show you how better to strategize to get
the best results in your endeavor. While this is true, some have resulted to a
shortcut in order to appear productive. This they are doing by simply
associating with others who are being productive in their life’s work, not with
the goal of learning how to be productive themselves, but rather with the goal
of either deceiving others or covering up their own personal failures. This attempt
to validate yourself or your identity by your association with others is what I
refer to as identity by association.
Like I rightly observed, it is such a great thing to keep
company with great and productive people, as long as your aim is to learn how
you also can be productive in your work or ministry. But when your goal is
simply for association or to get validation, you are missing the point. The
consequence of this is that, should you fall out of association with the person(s)
that you have been using to validate yourself, you will have to look for some
other replacement. This is because you have built your self-esteem and your
worth around your relationship with such person(s).
Also, if you are always seeking to validate yourself by your
association you will be forced to always seek for new associations, not to
learn new things or improve yourself, but simply to reinforce your own weak self-esteem
and the perception of others about you. But the truth is that this will last only
so long.
Your single most important objective in associating with
people who have results in their life’s work should be to learn from them on how
you can become a productive person yourself. Your identity and self-esteem is
not defined by who you associate with, but by who God has made you to be. I
have so many productive people whom I get to learn a lot from, some are really
close to me, while others are not, but it really doesn’t matter, the important
thing is that I am able to learn from them, but never will I have to build my self-worth
around someone else’s work.
The starting point for you is to have a healthy self-esteem,
believe in yourself, and in the abilities that God has deposited in you. When
you do this, you will begin to realize your own potentials and you will put in
little effort in seeking to associate with other people. You can then channel
the time that you spend pursing association with others into productive work.
What you will find in a short time is that you have become
more productive and it has become evident in your results. Then there will be
people also seeking to associate with you, just as you have always wanted to
associate with others, and it will now be your duty to properly guide them in
ensuring that their association with you is for the purpose of learning your
productive ways and not just to redefine their own identity. As we all learn to
do these things, we will have the opportunity to be correctly mentored and to
grow up into mentoring others correctly.
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