Some trends have become observable among believers, particularly
among young ministers of the gospel. I dealt with one of the trends in my article
- Identity by association. In this piece, I will deal with another major trend that
needs to be addressed. You will agree with me that the primary calling of the
believer is to be with the Lord and then He can send us on assignments as it
pleases Him (Mk. 3:14). This implies that your identity cannot be defined by your
performance in ministry but by how much you are dwelling in Him. Today however,
there are believers who are beginning to measure their success or the success
of their ministry by their ability to perform, this is what I refer to as
identity by performance.
Your identity in Christ cannot be based on how well you can
perform, but on that which God through Christ has already accomplished in your
life, and the measure of your dwelling in Him. Your performance therefore
doesn’t define your identity, neither is it necessarily a validation of your
conformity to the image of the risen Christ. This may look pretty simple and
basic, but it is the truth that will make you free from the pressures of
performance in your life and ministry.
In the bible book of Judges Chapter 7, we read the story of
Gideon, a mighty man of valour as the scriptures described him. He was
instructed to reduce his congregation from 22000 to 300 men, but regardless of
this reduction in number, God was still able to achieve what He desired with
that small number. The lesson there is that your ability to gather crowd and
move men doesn’t necessarily define your calling. To judge your identity by
your performance will be a great mistake and the result of ignorance. Had
Gideon done so, he would have judged wrongly and could have been discouraged,
and would never have been referred to as a mighty man of valour.
While there is certainly no doubt that as you continue to
faithfully dwell in Him, you will produce mighty works, bear in mind that you
are not a “great man of God” because of the crowds you gather, or because there
are various demonstrations of power and manifestations of the Spirit through
you, neither are you a “small man of God” because you only pull small crowds or
because there isn’t so much demonstration of power through your ministry. You
also cannot validate your identity based on your number of preaching engagements,
whether you get preaching engagements or not, the important thing is to stay on
your assignment and remain diligent to fulfill God’s call on your life.
Refuse to allow people put you under undue pressure to
produce certain works as a validation of your identity. If you define your
identity by these things then you will have many troubles as God moves you
through the various seasons of your life; infact you are likely to resist those
seasons when they come, because seasons are different. When you clearly
understand this, it will greatly help your perception, and how you relate with
the assignment that God has called you to.
Some of these things appear to be basic but they are causing
more problems than you can even imagine in the body of Christ. Many have fallen
into the trap of trying to validate themselves by their performance in
ministry, some others have concluded that perhaps they were not even called in
the first place, because they tried to judge themselves by their performance. Let
your self-esteem be intact, God will judge you only based on what He has called
you and given you the ability to do. Keep things simple and in proper
perspective as you continue to endeavor to fulfill God’s call upon your life –
You are who you are primarily because of what God has done for you through Christ
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