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Your access to financial blessing starts here.

The story of Jacob in the bible (Gen 28:20-22) is an interesting one and typically demonstrates the current reality of most young people who are on a quest to a great start in life to become really successful. The desire to be successful almost seem to be a natural instinct, because life is unforgiving when you are not. So, Jacob sets out on this journey of uncertainty, particularly on the grounds that he was being hunted by his twin brother because of the drama that had ensued as a result of the Blessing Isaac conferred on him. As Jacob journeyed, he came to a certain place at night where he decided to spend the night. That night he had a dream where he was assured of the Blessing on him. Then Jacob made a vow, that wow is the basis of this short piece.

Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God. And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.”

The first component of Jacob’s vow was that if God provided him with his basic needs and kept him safe, then the Lord will be his God. Here is a vow of dedication and service to God. The first thing you must offer God must be yourself, it is only on the basis of this that you can offer up any other thing to God. If God does not own your life, He possibly cannot own all you possess. Jacob made a quality decision to offer himself up to God. If you have not made that decision, then you cannot gain full access to heaven’s riches. This is not a decision to take lightly, but with a serious commitment that you should never turn back. This is where it all begins; your decision to make the Lord your God, just as it is said that your decisions determine your destiny. If you have already made that decision, then you are on the right path to accessing heaven’s riches.

The second component of Jacob’s vow was his commitment to kingdom service. He was going to throw himself into building the house of God. The second key for you to access heaven’s riches is your commitment to kingdom service both with your time and your resources. You cannot desire for God to bless you only so that you can be comfortable or so that you can showoff, unfortunately, that is where some believers are. If you hold a commitment to kingdom service, which should be evident even in the little you now possess, then you are a candidate for heaven’s riches. Your commitment to kingdom service is a major determinant of the measure of Blessing that you will enjoy in your life.

The last component of Jacob’s vow was to tithe all that God gave him. This is as clear as it can get, a person who cannot give God a tenth of what God has blessed him with cannot continue to benefit from God’s supernatural provision. Such a person will have to work out his own blessing, and can be guaranteed that there is much toiling and frustration on that path. By giving a tithe of all that God blessed him with, Jacob was showing his absolute dependence on God’s continuous supply and not on his own ability. In like manner, our tithe demonstrates our dependence on God’s provision and not on our own power to supply or needs.

If you are desirous of seeing the Blessing of God manifest in your life, then this is the place to start. Review where you stand where the components of Jacob’s vow are concerned in your own life. These are proven principles of kingdom wealth and if you desire it, then go for it.


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