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Showing posts from April, 2018

Why isn’t it working? Part II

In the first part of this series, we established that this is one of the most frequently asked questions among people of faith. Why does it seem as if after doing all you know to do, or all that you have learnt on faith, some things still just refuse to work out? Like I said in the first part, this is not an attempt to possibly answer all your faith questions, but to give some insights that may be helpful in your quest to find answers to those deep questions of your heart. Again, like I mentioned in the first part, the steps outlined in this series are adapted from the book - What to do when faith seems weak and victory lost by Kenneth E. Hagin. We have looked at the first two steps in our last piece, and now we will proceed to look at a few more steps. Step 3. Be sure you are not living in sin – practicing wrong doing. It is amazing that sometimes people are living in known sin, and they still expect that their faith will continue to produce results. Things don’t work like...

Why isn't it working? Part I

This question certainly ranks high on the frequently asked questions list of many believers, particularly when they seem not to be getting positive results in life after putting to work all the principles of faith and prayers that they have learnt. Well, the challenges of life come to us all, and if you have lived long enough as a believer, then you must have caught yourself asking this question either to yourself or to someone you think is in a position to help you strengthen things out. There could be several reasons why things may not be working as expected, and I should say at this point that I certainly do not have all the answers, but I hope to share with you a few things which I have also learnt and I trust that it will profit you.  The steps that I will share in this series are well outlined in the book – What to do when Faith seems weak & victory lost by Kenneth E. Hagin , so you may as well get the book and read to gain more insight. I hope to take the steps...