In the first and second parts of this series, we considered five
steps in answering one of the most frequently asked questions among believers –
why isn’t it working? The steps outline are not in themselves exhaustive, and
they are taken from the book What to do when faith seems weak and victory lost
by Kenneth E. Hagin. Remember that the steps are to be taken in the order in
which we discuss them, so if you are yet to read through the first two parts
you can quickly read through following the links; Part I and Part II. Now we
continue from the sixth step.
Step 6. Ask God in faith,
nothing wavering, believing that what is asked is yours.
At this point you are ready to pray to receive from God
whatever it is that you are desiring of Him. You have scaled through the first
five steps and now you are closer to the answer that you seek. The scripture
says for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He
is a rewarder … Heb 11:6. In other words if you must approach God to get
anything, you must do so in faith. If you do not believe that He can and indeed
that He will grant your request, why bother to pray in the first place. It is
true however that some pray only to justify their conscience and not because
they have any faith in God to grant their desires. It is therefore not
surprising that many such prayers never rise beyond the ceiling. To approach
God and ask in faith, you must not only believe that “God can” because such
believe is limited only to God’s ability. But ability doesn’t necessarily connotes
willingness. Hence, you must go beyond believing that God can, to believing
that He will. It is in believing in His willingness that real faith comes to
manifest, and it is in this that you can be sure not to waver.
Step 7. Do not tolerate
for a single moment a thought to the contrary
This is where the real work lies and it is greatly dependent
on how much conviction you have from the word of God. Meditation will produce
revelation and revelation from the word will keep doubt away. Like Kenneth E.
Hagin said, you can get results with faith in your heart and doubt in your
head, as long as you don’t allow the doubt to get in your heart. Many times,
Satan will even try to deceive you that because a thought of doubt passed through
your mind, you are now in unbelief, and can’t expect your desire to come to
pass, but this is very far from the truth. If you experience such, all you need
do is to cast down that thought (II Cor. 10:5) and take your stand in faith.
8. Count the thing done
that you have asked
Heb.11:1 says faith is the evidence of things not seen. You must
count the thing done that you have asked for as though you know that it is done
because it is. This step leaves many people somewhat confused; if you ask God
for healing for instance, you must count it done even when you do not yet see
any physical manifestation that tells that anything has changed concerning your
situation. This is what the scripture talks about in calling the things that be
not as though they were. There are some who will argue that calling the things
that be not as though they were amounts to being dishonest, but speaking the
truth is superior to being honest (Read more on Can I just be honest or should Isay the truth). If you are going to act like God, then you must learn to count
the thing done that you have asked in prayer. Hold fast to your confession of
faith, calling the things that be not as though they were.
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