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The Trade-off

When we reflect on the events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus, and the implications of these events, we cannot but think very highly of God as having perfectly aligned every of these events to the end that man will be forever free, and never have to be bound by any string of the evil one.

Of all the events that led up to the death and resurrection of Jesus, my concentration in this piece is on the tradeoff that saw Jesus heading for the cross, and Barabbas heading home a free man. We know from scriptures that the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ time took him to Pilate to pass the death sentence on Him. Pilate having examined the case, saw no need for Jesus to be imprisoned, much more to be executed.

In an attempt to release Jesus, Pilate reminded the people that he had the prerogative to release a prisoner to them to mark the Passover. I think that Pilate himself did not understand the turn of events that day, and he underestimated the resolve of the Jewish leaders at that time who wanted Jesus executed at all cost. So, Pilate offered to release Jesus, knowing that the people really had nothing against him. To the greatest amazement, the people began to shout “Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas.” (Lk.23:18)


In other words, the people were saying we would rather have Barabbas walk free than this Jesus. But Barabbas was a robber and a murderer, perhaps the most notorious of his time, and the talk of town at that time. Certainly he must have so terrorized society so much that everyone knew him, and I am certain that the people must have been happy to know that he was in custody of the authorities given how dangerous he was. He certainly couldn’t have received anything short of the death sentence, but here is the same fellow that has now been chosen to walk free, while the son of God headed for the gruesome execution on the cross.

The trade-off of Jesus for Barabbas perfectly illustrates the love, mercy and the grace of God towards humanity. It really doesn’t matter how bad one may have lived, God accepts everyone equally with open arms, because Jesus has taken your place. This is the message of the cross – that God sees you absolutely flawless on account of Jesus’ finished work.

Calvary covered it all.

Happy Resurrection!


  1. This beautiful piece is indeed a great reminder about God's love for us! Thanks for sharing Sir. Happy Easter

  2. It's always good to reflect on the crucifixion and death of Jesus, it reminds me of how much he suffered and died so I can live. Nice piece


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