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The Blessing & Miracles

I believe that most believers are conversant with the words miracle and blessing. They do not mean the same thing. People sometimes use them interchangeably, though more often you will find the word blessing used in more general terms.

The Blessing as I have learnt is the empowerment of God to prosper. That empowerment is without prejudice to your skin colour, tribe, sex or any other factors that differentiates people. A miracle on the other hand is God’s supernatural intervention in human affairs.

The children of Israel were sustained by the miracles of Jehovah as they journeyed from Egypt to Canaan. Manna fell from heaven daily for them to have enough food to eat, that was clearly a miracle. But when they arrived at the border of Canaan, the Manna ceased, and they had to cultivate their land to get food to be sustained. The Manna did not cease because God stopped loving and caring for them, but because a miracle was no longer necessary for their sustenance. I imagine that if they had insisted on waiting for the Manna to fall as usual, refusing to cultivate their lands, they would all have died of hunger, and God couldn’t be held responsible for that.

I once heard Jesse Duplantis say that the Blessing is superior to a miracle, I didn’t perfectly understand it then, but I have now come to appreciate it more over the years. You cannot live perpetually on miracles, what you need is the Blessing of God finding expression in your life.

A miracle most often is an indication that there is trouble, and God’s special intervention is required. Another way to look at it is this; under the Blessing, we have been redeemed from sicknesses and diseases, but it is still possible under certain circumstances for a blessed person to be afflicted to the point of needing a miracle to come out of the situation. It sound good to share a one-time testimony of how you almost got ejected from your apartment because your rent was past due, but at the last minute, you got the money to pay up so you could keep the apartment, that’s a miracle! But if you have to expect that miracle to happen in exact same way another time, then it is evident that you are not doing something right. It is a whole lot better to have your rent paid well in advance, without waiting for a last minute miracle, and better still is that you own the house, and do not have to pay rent on it, that is the blessing! 

I will say this by the Spirit of God, and I mean no offence in any way, if you need a miracle every day, it is indicative that you have not received, and cultivated the power of the Blessing on your life. You see it now right? How good it is for financial needs to come and meet you well prepared with abundant supply – that is the Blessing!

The Blessing can be appropriated to any area of your life, and you will experience the difference. Let me emphasize that the Blessing does not exclude you from ever needing a miracle, but it makes such that you will need one less often. Don’t crave anymore for an everyday miracle, rather desire the eternal Blessing of Jehovah and its continuous manifestations in every area of your life.



  1. Wow! This is so insightful and inspiring.... Pour out your blessings on me oh Lord! Thanks Ola, more grace upon you

  2. Amen, Hallelujah. This blessed me. More grace Bro.

  3. So blessed by this piece. More grace sir. I celebrate you

  4. Insightful and deep.
    More grace Sir

  5. Deep and thought provoking. God bless you sir.

  6. Very insightful and encouraging. The Bkessings of Gid mskes rich and adds no sorrow wirh it.God bless you bro. More grace to do greater exploits for the kingdom.

  7. Very insightful and encouraging. The Blessings of God makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.God bless you bro. More grace to do greater exploits for the kingdom.


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