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Create Space for God


Growth is an inevitable desire for everyone, and this desire for growth cuts across various areas of life. No one wishes to remain stagnant, even though it seems to eventually turns out so for some. In actual fact, no one remains really stagnant, it is either you are making progress or retrogressing. For believers, our hope of making any meaningful progress in this life is hinged on the finished work of Christ. As we say, the work is finished; it means that God has done all there is to do about your success or your progress in life. The question then may be, if God has done all there is to do, and all that is required for your success in life, why does it seem like you are not making real progress?

There are different things that can be discussed in this regard, but my focus in this piece is to point out a salient point that is sometimes not considered a major factor – creating space for God. In our text for this piece II Kings. 4:1-7, the widow had a small jar of oil which she didn’t think was worth much until she met the prophet. The prophet didn’t attempt to solve her problem out of nothing, rather, he used what she had as the “raw material” for her breakthrough – the small jar of oil.

All that the prophet required from this widow woman was to go get vessels large enough to hold the miraculous flow of oil from the small jar. In other words, the prophet instructed this woman to create space for God to fill, and in doing so she experienced the miracle of God. If this woman had neglected this simple instruction, choosing rather to fast and pray, the story may have turned out differently, and it may have been viewed as though God didn’t care about her progress. When you refuse to create space for God for the progress or new level that you desire, God will seem to be limited on your behalf if He has got no space to fill.

Creating space for God may mean different things to different people, for some it may mean going to get an education or higher degree or some certification, it may mean stepping out into ministry, business, politics and so on. Whatever it means to you, you have to summon the courage to do it, even when it looks like the most stupid thing to do.

Kenneth Copeland was already married with kids, when God instructed him to go to ORU. It looked like a really difficult space to create for God in his quest to follow after God’s plan, and fulfill the call upon his life, but he obeyed and created that space. As a student at ORU, he ended up as Oral Roberts co-pilot and assistant. That decision, perhaps turned out to be one of the most important decisions of his life.

You have fasted and prayed well enough for God to move on your behalf, but could it be that God is also waiting on you to create space for Him to fill? Whatever that space means to you, I pray today that you will find the courage to create it, so that God can have something with which to work in your life.

Let me quickly point out that many times, it is easier to fast and pray, just to make it seem as though you are waiting on God to move for you, than it is to step out to create that space. The widow woman was already a debtor, and it was in no way easy to persuade people to borrow her vessels when she hadn’t been able to pay her previous debts, but she put the shame aside and convinced them till she got the vessels. With that room created she experienced the manifestation of the God’s power.

I trust God with you today that as you take the bold steps to create the space required for God to move in your life, God will meet with you in a marvelous way and you will experience the miraculous in a way that you have never done before.



  1. Amen and Amen! . This is very inspiring. Help me Lord to give you space to manifest your power and glory in my life 🙏

  2. May the Lord give us the grace and discipline to create the required space for Him. God bless you sir for this wonderful piece.

  3. Blessed again by this piece.

  4. Wao! What an inspiring and heart warming message. May God give me the grace to always create that required space for Him in my life. Thank you bro for being such a blessing. Shalom ! Solomon Yashim.


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