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Immanuel - God is with you


“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Matt. 1:23 (NKJV)

…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:20b (NKJV)

One of the most consistent themes of the entire bible is that God loves you and He is with you. In like manner, one of the most persistent tactics of the devil is to make you loose confidence in the love that God has for you, and in the reality of His presence with you.

Over and over, the scriptures emphasize that God loves you and His presence will continue to abide with you. Indeed, this is the very essence of the coming of Jesus. He did not only come to pay the ultimate price for you, but to be with you till the end.

This may sound really simple, but it is a major area of failure for some believers. When the devil can get you to begin to feel that perhaps God is not with you, then he can get you to be apprehensive or afraid, which in turn will lead to taking desperate steps out of the will of God for your life.

Once the devil can make you more conscious of sin and less conscious of the presence of God with you, he has got you in the wrong place.

Some have the misconception that once you commit any wrong against God, His presence will automatically depart from you, this is absolutely false, and has no place in scriptures. If in fact this was true, then Jesus lied when He promised to be with you till the end of the age.

The truth is right there before our very eyes, from Genesis; before the law was given, then under the law,  and even after the law, God has remained constant and consistent, He always leaves room for repentance, and His presence never leave you in the interim.

The feeling that you have whenever you do wrong is your conscience calling your attention to your wrong, and that feeling of remorse that accompanies it should lead you to immediate repentance. Your conscience may condemn you over a wrong doing, but God never does, he simply wants you to repent.

The next time you miss it, rather than feeling depressed, and allowing the devil to bombard you with silly thoughts of God’s presence departing from you, just say to yourself – God still loves me and His presence is ever abiding with me, and then go ahead and repent.

This will make a world of difference in your approach to walking with God and particularly in your fellowship with Him. This is how to shut down every feeling of guilt and inferiority. This is how to stand before Satan as a giant without any consciousness of weakness, and command him and he will obey you.

It is time to arise and get to believe the truth of scriptures rather than the vain philosophies of men. Your faith will begin to tower high and nothing will seem impossible to you because you know without a shadow of doubt that His presence is right there with you just as He was with His disciples during His earth walk.

This is the essence of His coming – Immanuel

Merry Christmas!!!


  1. May we not take desperate steps out of God's will for our lives... Amen.

    His presence is ever abiding.... Hallelujah!

  2. I receive grace to remain ever conscious of God's unfailing love. Thanks for this insightful thought sir

  3. God's love is ever sure and true. Thanks for reawakening this truth in this great piece. More grace to you sir.


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