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Internal Activation

For as long as I have been a Christian and kept my walk on the faith path, I have experienced God in many dimensions, and I have continued to learn daily how to bring God’s hand to bear over the situations and circumstances of life. 

As I have made my progress, I have also tried to understand what the challenges could be for some others who are struggling in the faith walk. Not like I have made it my life business to study why people struggle, but just by constantly observing and being curious, I have found a few things. 

One of those things that really bothers me is that there are people who do not know how to activate the help of God over their lives. I had thought that this was something almost too easy that everyone should be able to do… it is just as simple as the word of God puts it in Heb. 13:6, He has said that we may boldly say…why then do some people find it difficult to say? 

Well, I found something; whether there is a strong deep-seated conviction or a weak conviction, it will always show forth in your words. We can talk all we want on the importance of having the right confession for the believer to continue to lead a victorious life, but if there is no conviction within, the tongue becomes impotent to release those confessions and even when the tongue utters the confessions, there will be no vigor. 

When you find it difficult to hold steady your confession in the face of stiff opposition, it is because the conviction has not properly aligned. You may hold God’s word true, but may be yet to come to that perfect alignment. You still have doubts as to whether you can throw your entire weight on these things or lean carefully on the word in case it fails. This kind of thinking doesn’t move mountains and cannot achieve much because those internal wars will limit the expression of faith in your spirit and question the audacity of your confession, this is where many people are.

So how then can you walk out of this trough? Interestingly, there is no shortcut approach to this, it is still the same old method of staying with the word of God and meditating therein over and over. It will take time and effort as well as being deliberate to step out of that trough, which again is why not everyone is willing make the push. You have to keep meditating on the goodness of God to you, meditate upon the finished work of Christ, meditate upon what the word says about you as a new creation, meditate on the provisions made for you in Christ, meditate on the victory you have in Christ, 

As you meditate on these things over and over without limit, one day you will rise up and know for certain that your conviction has gone beyond the veil, you will see yourself as a different person. Your faith will come to the place of unconscious drive and faith confessions will follow naturally. Your words will begin to matter to you as they matter in the realm of the spirit, and as you speak, God’s power will be activated.


  1. Medication is key. The Holy Spirit gives us conviction in the place of meditation. Glory to God .

  2. Yes you have to persists reading the words and you see your selve the way God see's you
    Waooo wonderful

  3. A mind void of distraction during meditation is a big win.
    Thank you so much for this insightful article.

  4. Faith confession of the Word coupled with conviction is key to accessing help from the throne of grace. Many thanks for sharing sir. More grace.


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