Many who desire to operate consistently in the miraculous have continued to press in consciously into the power of God. Some have seen the power at work consistently, while there are many others who haven’t experienced the power of God at work as much as they would have desired. If you are in the latter place, you need to step back a little and evaluate again if you have everything right or possibly you are missing something important. From my study of the word of God and experience, often what is lacking is deep compassion. The greatest men that have been mightily used of God to touch people’s lives have been men of deep compassion. Jesus was a man of deepest compassion, and the power of God flowed naturally through Him. One of the stories that points out the compassion of Jesus, and the lack of same by His disciples is the story of how Jesus fed the multitude in Mark’s gospel. Mark 6:34-44 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, ...
...enriching the faith of the saints