And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren. Gen.24:27
There is an interesting story of Abraham and his eldest servant in Genesis 24, which forms the core of this piece of writing. As a background to the text, Abraham had instructed his servant strictly to get a wife for Isaac from amongst his own people, and not from amongst the Canaanites where he dwelt. The servant then set out for Mesopotamia to get a wife for Isaac, his master’s son. God showed this servant His kindness, and led him straight to Rebecca who was from the household of Nahor, Abraham’s brother.
As you read this interesting story, something stands out and that thing is what is often times absent in the lives of some believers; it is the motion of faith. Abraham and his servant didn't just wish for a wife for Isaac from amongst Abraham's people, neither did they continue to trust God that God will bring the woman to them some day, no, they got in the way and made a move. There are times that you want God to do something for you and you have prayed about it, but you are not giving motion to your faith, and there can be no final delivery as such. Oh, you need to get on the move just like Abraham’s servant did. His testimony was he “being in the way” the Lord led him to the house of his master’s brethren.
Many don’t want to get on the way because they are afraid of failing, they think it will be such a shameful thing if they get on the way to give motion to their faith and still fail. Well, what if you succeed? The other part to it is that if you fail to give motion to your faith, that shame may still catch up with you anyway.
In John’s gospel chapter 2, there is the story of Jesus turning water to wine at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. That miracle was made possible because the servants dared to follow Jesus’ instruction to fill the wine jars with water, and to draw the same water from the jar to give to the chairman of the occasion as wine. It could have been a disaster if the water remained as water, but it turned out to be a testimony worthy of bible record, because the servants got on the way to do as instructed by Jesus, and God met them with a miracle.
In chapter 9 of John’s gospel, a blind man approached Jesus for healing, and after Jesus had made a mix of mud and applied to the man’s eyes, he told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The man obeyed Jesus and got on his way, he washed in the pool and fully recovered his sight.
There are countless other stories like those I have shared of men and women who God met while being in the way. That can be your own story also, seeing that God is not a respecter of persons; what He does for one, He will do for another, under same or similar circumstances. There are times when all you are doing is waiting for God to move, and God is also waiting on you to give motion to your faith, to commit Him to act on your behalf.
If you want to see God do great things in your life, you must not be one that cowers in fear or timidity, rather you must be willing to face the possibility of failure and shame and get on the way in the direction that God is leading. There is no more time to waste in considering all the factors, and the conditions don't have to be perfect either. I encourage you today, dare to get on the way and God will meet you on the way to do marvellous things in your life far beyond your expectations, and your testimony will be like that of Abraham’s servant – I being in the way, the Lord granted my desire of Him.
Remember that your action will commit God to act on your behalf.
Faith is an ACTION word...
ReplyDeletewhat if you succeed? The other part ... may still catch up with you anyway.👌
ReplyDeleteMotion to faith is where many Christians talk more about and act less, we get timid and fearful, acquire knowledge that ends ups being unhelpful to us taking a step of faith.Sometimes it comes as a fight .Thanks sir for this edifying piece
ReplyDeleteGiving motion to one’s faith is key to receiving one’s desired miracle – God bless you for this insightful piece.