Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. John 12:24
In the natural realm, when you sow a seed, the seed dies and takes on new life. This new life has the potential ability to bear fruits, usually greater than what was sown. However, the death experience of the seed presents a challenge to the seed, it has to lose hold of itself and trust absolutely in the natural process of germination to take on new life. If a seed refuses to trust this process and so refuses to die, then it can only abide the way it is. As basic as this is, it can be the simple reason why some believers never experience increase – the fear of dying to self.
I have established in several previous writings that God wants you to prosper and to increase, and He has put everything in place for that to happen, but if you don’t follow God’s system of increase, He is not going to begin to run halter scelter to ensure that you increase. What God does is to meet you in the best way He can, at whatever level you are, and get you to that point of realization. Once you come to that point of realization, you can follow that system, then you can increase and make progress. Unfortunately, the experience can be very confusing for some Christians, they seem to have done all that they know to do, and put in all the personal efforts they can, yet no increase, so they conclude that may be some others are just lucky, while they are not, but there is no such thing as luck in God’s system.
Increase in the system of God begins by dying to your selfish nature, so that you can take on the new selfless nature, where you are looking beyond yourself to others. I am yet to see a man prosper and increase sustainably who cares only about himself. If increase for you is all about you, then you have not died and you will yet abide alone. But when increase for you is beyond you, you have come to the place of dying to self, and you are set to produce much grain according to scriptures.
There are several people trying everything they know to do to increase, but it seems not to be working. I understand that there can be a number of factors responsible, but one of the strongest recommendations will be to check this area. You need to do a self-assessment to see where you are as regards dying to self, and one easy way to do this, is to check if you are at the point where you cannot hold anything back from God if He ask you to give it - this is the place of absolute trust in God. Abraham our father came to this point and he was willing to offer up Isaac to God, Jesus was willing to offer up His very life to gain the whole lot of us. Once you come to the place of absolute trust in God’s system and die to self, then you are ready for a new life of increase – the place of the much grain experience.
Today is a good day to make a quality decision to die to self as you begin a new journey towards increase. The decision will not always be easy, but it will pay off massively if you stick with it.
Thank you sir, God bless you for the words. I'm indeed blessed with it🙌🙌 more grace sir...
ReplyDeleteThank you sir, more grace..🙏
ReplyDeleteGot value! More grace to you.
ReplyDeleteMore grace sir 🙏🏽👏
ReplyDeleteHmmm in all Honesty this message just open my eyes of understanding to that particular bible verse John 12 vs 24 increase comes from God to man that is if we are willing to pay the price,
ReplyDeleteThank u sir for sharing this is powerful God bless u richly
Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this timely post!
ReplyDeleteVery edifying thoughts Sir.
ReplyDeleteMore Grace
Thanks so much sir
ReplyDeleteMore grace
I can't agree less - "Increase in the system of God begins by dying to your selfish nature, so that you can take on the new selfless nature, where you are looking beyond yourself to others." More grace to you sir.
ReplyDeleteThank you sir🙏
ReplyDeleteMore grace sir, God bless you for the word🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteThis is an eye opener for me in becoming fulfilled in my pursuit of a good life in Christ.