Many times, you step into a new year all geared up for action. The motivation for success is usually at an all-time high, but as you get along, you may face challenges to various degrees, and these challenges have the potential to slow you down. When this happens, some people simply throw in the towel and give up, some others completely lower their expectations, with the thinking that they wouldn’t feel so disappointed at the end if they had no serious expectation to begin with. There are also a few people who will hold on tenaciously to achieving their goals, and by the help of God and some adaptability, they will do so. You see when God speaks to you about something you should do, or even when you set a goal for yourself under the direction of the Holy Spirit, there are many processes that needs to take place for that goal to be achieved. The challenge for you may be that while you have thought of the end goal, you may not have given so much thought to the processes that must be init...
...enriching the faith of the saints