And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. Mark 7:37
We are at that season of the year again where you are forced to take stock of your life, and all that has played out over the year. You may reflect over your goals for the year or your goals for some years past now, to see how far you have truly come in your life journey. You may also be reflecting over some particular desire of your heart, and how long you have been waiting on God to bring that desire to pass.
As you make this reflection, you may find yourself in a place of gratitude, because you have experienced so much of God’s blessing. Some other person may find themself in the place where they are in doubt of God’s love or if God really hears and answers, because some of those pressing desires are still not met.
Regardless of what position you are, you need to just take a deep breath, and say to yourself He has done all things well. He has done all things well means that as long as you are still on this part of eternity, you still have the opportunity to see those desires come to pass. It may even be that with every passing year, it seems more difficult or impossible for those desires to come to pass, simply rest in the truth that God does all things well.
Don’t feel disappointed in yourself or in God, rather keep an attitude of gratitude, God always has a way of working things out for your good in His own way, not in the way you may have expected, and not necessarily in the way you have heard others testify about Him. Sometimes it is the testimonies we hear that were meant to encourage us, that the devil tries to use to intimidate us or shame us, never give in to that old trick of the devil. Don’t let the testimonies of others look as though God has forgotten you or His power is absent in your life. Nothing can be farther from the truth than that. That God has done all things well does not in any way mean that everything is perfect for you, but that you can see that except God has been your help, there was never a chance of coming this far, and ever making it to your desired goals.
I urge you to use this season as a time of thanksgiving, again not because things are perfect, but because you know God is faithful, and He is the only one who can really make things perfect. Also, be encouraged to use this season to celebrate with others, take the focus off yourself and your needs. If you cannot find something to thank God for in your own life, look for someone who has, and join them in thanking God. It won’t be long till we all have to gather to rejoice with you also.
Wishing you God’s love this season as always.
Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks for the message. I am encouraged. Sometimes I wonder why some of prayers are not being answered...but when I see the ones that are answered I know God is still at work.