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Showing posts from 2025

Dare to Keep Your Dream Alive

                                              Gen. 37:9  Then Joseph had another dream, and he told his brothers about it. He said, “I had another dream. I saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowing down to me.” (ERV) Everyone grows up with a dream, it could be a big dream or a small dream, depending on a number of factors. The beautiful thing is that at a certain point, we tend to be believe that our dreams are achievable. But it so happens that as you grow up and interact with the world system, you begin to see that your dreams may just stay at the level of dreams after all, and not necessarily be achieved. Well, it seem like that was the exact story of Joseph the son of Jacob in the bible. He was a young man with great dreams. He told his dream to his brothers who were older than him, and probably understood better how the world works, but rather than encouragin...

Get in the Way!

And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren. Gen.24:27 (KJV) One of the greatest enemies of progress and indeed of success is waiting for all necessary and sufficient conditions to be right before you get started pursuing your dreams or the desires that God has put inside of you. This is not as though the conditions cannot fully align, but many times they do not, and they don’t have to for you to succeed. People talk of how much they can do or achieve if only the conditions are right, like if they had more resources, more time, more connections, more help, more money, and so on, but it almost never works like that. When you have more money, you will realize there is still something else missing that is stopping you, when you have more connections, you will realize that you don’t have time and so on. The challenge with such thinkin...