Building Character Through Challenges
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Romans 8vs 28-30).
God knows of everything that happens in our lives. They all follow a routine He has patterned. The elements and events of life are designed to support this pattern.
As Christians, every occurrence in our lives unfold according to purpose. God allows them all. Whether they bring pleasure or pain, they are designed to birth purpose. God through these events will make bare His thoughts for us. Through the incidents of life, greatness lurking within us comes forth. Many times, God just watches to see how well we can handle or cope with challenges. His vision for us is beyond just helping us. He wants purpose to be fulfilled. And to achieve this, we must have a true and clear understanding of who we are and our purpose here on earth. Luke 21 verse 19 says, “…in your patience possess ye your souls.” We possess our souls when we understand who we actually are.
When we grasp this, our demeanour changes-the way we act- talk and behave. We let go of characters we may have picked up from people and our environment. A knowledge of who you really are changes your mindset first, your character and then your association. It erases misconceptions that may have filled our lives and endues us with power to obey God and follow our inner convictions. God’s glory is also seen in us because Christ has justifies us. In the events of life we remain victorious, even when we are led as sheep to the slaughter. Nothing intimidates or harasses us. We are transformed!
Take a look at the lifecycle of a butterfly! See how it develops…from the egg stage to maturity. Science says that the larva needs absolutely no external assistance when breaking out of the egg shell else you impede its growth. It is said that if for instance you use a tiny pin to prick the egg shell so as to let the larva come our easily, that butterfly will lose its ability to fly. If you try to assist its process of metamorphosis, It will never fly! With an iota of external support and the process of development which ideally should be from inside out becomes damaged. In the same light, when you go through challenges and it appears as if God and people are just watching, just know that God has a bigger plan for you. He also knows you will prefer that He comes to your rescue immediately so as to lighten your pain but He does not want you to lose your ability to fly! That which you learn in your pain today, will aid you tomorrow.
Your life and the challenges have been tailored to suit your destiny. Do not look for external aid or support. You can overcome all…He will not give you more than you can bear!!!
“Poju Oyemade”