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The Vocabulary of Silence and the Confession of Faith

There is so much to what every believer has got to learn and there is really never an end to how much you can learn if you open your heart to keep learning. Now, of all the things you can learn, there are certain things that are extremely vital to know at certain times, because the knowledge of those things or the lack of it, will be a great determinant to how your life will turn out. I believe that learning to use the vocabulary of silence and the confession of faith in the times that we are now falls within this purview.

As you may very well know, the world is in a crisis, and not even our nation is exempted from the challenges that has come upon our world. It is like the scripture described in Isaiah 60, that darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people, but God’s people have been exempted. The interesting thing however is that, although God has exempted His people from the darkness that has come upon this world, many of God’s people are forcefully partaking in it by their words.

The scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of the tongue, i.e. there is no greater determinant to your choice of life or death other than by what comes out of your mouth. If you choose to partake in the darkness that has come upon the world or our nation, all you have to do is to keep up with the confession of how difficult things are for you, how you are unable to make progress or achieve anything because of the economy and all of such talk. The bottom line is that such confessions will only get you into more trouble. You will descend more and more into the darkness if you keep up those confessions. You may argue that you don’t know what else to say seeing that the challenges are right before you or you may argue that you are just being honest (Read my article – Can I just be honest or should I say the truth?). Well here is the importance of learning the vocabulary of silence.

Using the vocabulary of silence means you simply do not say anything if you don’t know what to say or until you learn the appropriate thing to say. It is not uncommon for believers to find themselves among a group, where people are discussing how hard things are for them or how difficult it is to get by in the country today, and all that type of talk. You may not be able to excuse yourself from those discussions, but you also don’t have to participate in them. Learn the vocabulary of silence, keep your mouth closed! You don’t have to keep the confession of failure and lack just so you could participate in the discussion or keep up the gist with your colleagues. Learn to keep quiet if the discussion doesn’t concern you or doesn’t agree with what the word of God says about you. I know there are times that people are discussing in a group about how bad things are and how difficult it is to get by, you may not be able to overturn such discussion with your faith talks, so you may as well stay off. Don’t puncture your own faith simply because you want to belong or keep up with a gist, learn to stand alone and be quiet where you have to.

On the other hand, those type of discussions that are geared towards how bad things are, are most likely the best opportunities to make your confession of faith and testify to your exemption. Stand by the confession that it will be for you as the Word of God says, rather than as it appears at that instance. As I think of this, I think of several discussions with people where I missed the opportunity to take a bold stand and make a great confession of my faith in the face of prevailing darkness, and I had to go over that faith circle all over again. I also think of some of the greatest moment of my life, as I made that great confession when and where it was most unpopular to do so, and the results are still evident in my life today. I encourage you not to shy away from your faith and the Word of God. If you have no reason to participate in a discussion because of the direction of the discussion, apply the vocabulary of silence and stay away from the discussion rather than short circuit your faith, but better still is to uphold the confession of your faith regardless of where the discussion is headed.

Several prophetic words have come for believers this season, to say that we have been exempted from the crisis that has come upon the world, but not too many believers are taking heed. I urge you to take a new turn from this point forward, and make a quality decision not to partake in the world’s darkness by your own words. You will always find the opportunity not to violate your conscience as you practice using the vocabulary of silence and the confession of faith, and that will put a testimony of praise on your lips constantly.


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