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Showing posts from 2019

Don’t cast away your confidence

                                                 As humans, we are somewhat constrained to put our life goals within the context of time. The implication of this is that while we work within the context of time, we fail to consider that our God operates in the realm of timelessness. It means that we have deadlines according to time perspective, but really God has no deadlines. He can show up on the scene at whatever time He so pleases and He did still be right on time. When we begin to factor in this fact that God dwells in timelessness, we could be a little more at ease with some goals or expectations that we affix with strict deadlines. We are already in the twilight of the year, and you may already be feeling uneasy or probably disappointed that God has let you down in some way because some of the things you were expecting and had faith for ha...

Time and chance

Again I saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, or the battle to the strong, or bread to the wise, or riches to the discerning, or favor to the skillful; rather, time and chance happen to all of them (Ecc. 9:11) If you have lived long enough, you would have observed what the preacher was saying in our text. You can simply tell after some time of being around that success in life goes beyond your personal efforts and abilities. There are so many other factors that may have direct or indirect relationship with your success that you barely have control over physically. There is the element of time and chance; that you have no control over where you were born and who you parents should be, you had little or no control over what school to attend and where to live as a little child, and many other such factors.    Some young people will sit with elders and hear about the “good old days” and wish they were around those times, but you didn’t have ...

Don't cut down God's Anointed

There is a common trend which is observable in our day, and some believers are also caught in the web of this trend, particularly with the overwhelming influence of social media. It is the constant attempt at cutting down other people, particularly ministers of the gospel. My focus on this piece is on cutting down God's anointed. It may appear as though you are doing the right thing in joining others to name and shame God’s anointed for whatever reason, but bear in mind that such actions are not without their own consequences. In the Bible book of 1 Samuel, we read of Israel’s first King, Saul. He was anointed to lead Israel at a time when they clamoured for a king, however, soon after he was enthroned king, God rejected him for his disobedience. God then sent to anoint David as king over His people. Saul became David’s enemy and sought to kill him. In 1 Samuel 19:1, Saul expressly gave instruction to Jonathan his son and all his servants to kill David. This is how low K...