God is our refuge and
strength [mighty and impenetrable],
A very present and
well-proved help in trouble Ps. 46:1 (Amp)
In my last piece, I focused on the help of God
and the various ways by which God can send you help. Then comes the big
question that you are probably waiting to ask; Is there anything I can do to
provoke God’s help? Certainly, there are steps you can take to provoke the help
of God and these steps aren’t beyond your reach as long as you truly desire to
experience His help. Bear in mind that God has made provision such that the
most important things in this life basically cost nothing and are within the
reach of everyone. So then let us explore some of the steps to provoking the
help of God.
Step 1. Be conscious that God wants to help
God who made you has
something to say to you; the God who formed you in the womb wants to help you. Isa.
44: 2 (MSG)
As simple as it sounds, many people don’t
believe that God wants to help them. You can mentally assent to the fact that
God can help you, but still be uncertain about His willingness to really help
you. I think it is also important to ask yourself a simple question; what does
God stand to gain from not helping you? Nothing. But He stands to gain
everything by helping you. You cannot provoke the help of God without a true
consciousness that God not only can help you, but that He is more than willing
to do so, and He has already put everything in place for your help. Provoking the
help of God begins with the consciousness that God is willing and not just able
to help you. When you have the mindset that God may be against you or opposing
you, then you are stuck and that is exactly where the Devil will like you to
be. Open your mind to the word of God and see for yourself that God will do
just anything to help you. You see, once you settle in your heart that God
wants you to succeed and to prosper, then you will appreciate that He will help
you succeed, and your journey in life becomes easy and interesting. Easy not
because there will be no challenges, but because the Greater one is on your
side to help you and He is turning your challenges to testimonies. This is what
it really means to believe in the love that God has for you; the love that
makes God more desirous to see you prosper than you could ever personally
desire for yourself.
Step 2. Pray in the Spirit.
Likewise the Spirit
also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we
ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered. Rom. 8: 26 (KJV)
Prayer certainly is one way to provoke the help
of God. But here, I am even more particular about praying in the spirit. You
see we do not know how to pray as we ought to just as the scripture says, but
the Spirit helps our infirmities as we pray in the spirit. If you want to
provoke the help of God concerning any issue in your life, then spend extended
times praying in the spirit concerning that issue. Some times people claim to
pray, but they are really not praying, they are only pretending to be praying
so as to not appear to be irresponsible. Real prayer in the spirit will change
you as much as it changes the situation, because praying in the spirit makes
tremendous power available. Set out time to pray in the spirit and you may also
add a fast as you seek the help of God, then you will experience God’s
marvellous help like never before in your life.
As I wrap up this first part, let me quickly
point out that these steps must be taken in order. Don’t attempt to jump to
praying in the spirit without having first settled in your consciousness that
God is willing to help you. Recall we said that provoking the help of God begins
with the consciousness that God wants to help you. Some folks have made a mess
of prayer by putting prayer first without first settling in their heart that
God is not just able, but He is willing. Such folks go to the place of prayer
pleading with God for His willingness when He was more than willing all along.
Then there are those who have concluded that prayer doesn’t really work all the
time, when in fact, they are the ones that needed to make an adjustment to
enjoy a fruitful prayer experience.
I am believing God with you that whatever the
desires of your heart may be, as you follow these steps in order, you will
receive your much needed help.
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