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Showing posts from October, 2013

The Free Flow of Angelic Activities 2

The Free Flow of Angelic Activities 2   There are many people who have read the word of God, have remarkable insights into the scriptures through quoting and teaching it well. But when it comes to manifestation of these scriptures within their lives, the representation of those things that they know and understand is not evident in their lives. We find out that the amount of knowledge that they have of what is happening in their lives does not justify the amount of knowledge they have received. And in cases like this, one can conclusively say that the individual is operating either under a closed heaven or the heavens are opened partially. So there is no sufficient opening over the life of that individual to have an unhindered flow of angelic activities. For instance, in the book of Genesis, when Jacob went into Laban’s house; Laban said to him that he has learnt through experience that since he came into his household, all his cattle have multiplied and he has prospered for...

A Tribute to Pastor Harold Nichols

A Tribute to Pastor Harold Nichols All the saints and angels in heaven rose on Friday, Oct. 25, 2013, when Pastor Harold Nichols arrived. Pastor Nichols, age 93, moved on to his heavenly home having fulfilled a life of service to God’s people and ministry of the uncompromised Word of God. Pastor Harold’s life affected people by encouraging their walk with Jesus Christ and the calling to their ministries. His faith and actions changed the lives of many who considered him their spiritual mentor. He was Kenneth and Gloria’s pastor for years and baptized all the Copeland family in water. Pastor Harold was the first pastor to invite Kenneth Copeland to minister when the Lord called him to preach after leaving Oral Roberts University. That three-day meeting was the launching pad for over 45 years of ministry—and Kenneth and Gloria are ever grateful to Pastor Harold and his wife, Lou, for being their pastors, their friends, and their first hosts in the ministry of God’s Word. Thank you...

The Free Flow of Angelic Activities

The Free Flow of Angelic Activities   Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Heb 1vs14). There is no way we can enter into the salvation that God has planned for us without understanding this salvation first. We need the ministering of angels in order to obtain our salvation. Therefore, the faith teaching in the scripture that says, ‘with the heart a man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation’, can only be fulfilled through the ministration of angels. This means there has to be angels ministering on the earth at all times in order for what we are saying, according to the scriptures, to come to pass. So when Jesus said, ‘whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea’ and the mountains will obey, literarily means it is the angels that go out to make it happen. For the bible tells us that they (angels) obey the commandments of God by h...

The Ministry of Angels

The Ministry of Angels   The ministry of angels is a very important, foundational and fundamental part of our Christian faith. The reason is because every single person who believes in the existence of God demonstrates this belief through what we call the art of prayer. This means that we communicate with our creator through prayer in order to get results and answers for situations or issues within our lives. The bible gives an explicit teaching from Genesis to revelation about the involvement of angels in bringing answers to the prayers of God’s people. Every time in the scripture we are shown that when God answers prayers angels carry the answers to the individuals that have offered up the prayers unto God. When Jesus was to be born, angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was going to conceive. When Zachariah was going to father John the Baptist, it was an angel that brought the news to him saying your prayers have been answered. When Cornelius was praying in the book of...

Kingdom Principles

Kingdom Principles   One of the major principles that govern the operation of God on the earth is that you must make God your only source of total supply in everything you do. When you rely on him completely you will experience breakthroughs that people can truly attest to as originating from God. The second principle is that you must understand that everything that can be done and will ever be done about any situation you find yourself(or will ever find yourself in), has already been done by God. God is not just going to do something new now. Your life was predestined and God has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Regardless of what you are confronted with today, God has already provided a way of escape for you. It is not your prayer that makes God provide a way of escape but it is a divine provision made for you over 2000 years ago. The inheritance had long been transferred to you. You got this blessing after the resurrecti...

Follow the River

Follow the River Creflo Dollar In John 7:38, Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” What’s flowing out of his belly? It is a reference to the Holy Spirit. Instruction comes out of your spirit by the Holy Spirit. When God gives instruction, that's the river. If you can learn how to follow the river, He will lead you to the place where you need to be. Under the covenant of grace, we’re to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, where we allow Him to lead us. Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. That's not simply a nice little catchy phrase. Jesus is giving us instructions in that scripture. Follow the river! He's telling you where it is. It’s in you. Look at the flow of the river in the life of Joseph. It wasn’t a nice, tidy river. The river was flowing when his brothers threw Joseph in a pit and left him to die (Genesis 37:24). Then they took him out of the...

Prayer for Your Children

Prayer for Your Children Father, Your Word is true and I believe it. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that the Word of God prevails over my children. Your Word says that You will pour out Your Spirit upon my offspring and Your blessing upon my descendants. I believe and say that my children are wise and that they take heed to and are the fruit of godly instruction and correction. I love my children and I will diligently discipline them early. Because of that, they give me delight and rest. Father, I take Your Word that says You will contend with him who contends with me, and You give safety to my children and ease them day by day. They are blessed when they come in and when they go out. I confess that You, Lord, give Your angels special charge over my children to accompany and defend and preserve them. I believe they find favor, good understanding and high esteem in Your sight, Lord, and in the sight of man. I confess that my childre...

How to Have a Harmonious Marriage

How to Have a Harmonious Marriage The Number One Problem in Marriages—Strife Harmony at home is one of the greatest blessings in life. It’s also one of the easiest blessings to lose if we don’t make a decision to do all we can to nurture our marriage relationship. From the Scriptures you can learn the proper attitude about marriage: “Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonored); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous” ( Hebrews 13:4 , The Amplified Bible). When a couple ceases to view their marriage as precious and dear, they can become selfish and contentious with one another. Left uncorrected this attitude will lead to full-blown strife and can eventually lead to things such as sexual sin, divorce, physical injury or death. We must learn from the Word of God how to live in harmony with each other. If we ...

Prayer for Your Marriage

Prayer for Your Marriage Father, it is written in Your Word that we are to esteem our marriage as precious, worthy of great price and especially dear. We agree with Your Word and act accordingly. By a conscious act of our will, we put away strife by becoming swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. We confess and believe that we neither offend nor take offense with one another. Your Word says You have knit us together in purpose and in power, therefore we commit ourselves and our marriage to be the mighty instrument upon earth that You designed us to be. Our desire is to be an example of Your love to our family and friends. So Father, right now, we make a quality decision to live in harmony. We agree not to give ourselves over to selfish desire that will cause division and distrust. We declare that we honor and value our marriage by keeping our marriage bed undefiled. We declare that our marriage grows stronger every day and is an encouragement to those around us. We ...

2 Must-Have Qualities for Leaders

2 Must-Have Qualities for Leaders by Ryan Ferrier Posted in Life Tweet So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart. And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands. - Psalms , referring to King David What does it take to be a great leader? It is a topic that we often over-complicate. When considering leadership, it’s tempting to worry about things like: Being charismatic Being attractive Being insanely intelligent Those qualities are nice to have, but they are not essential for great leadership. Really, there are just two parts to great leadership: Integrity of heart Skillfulness of hands Get these two things right, and you’ll succeed as a leader. But what exactly does it mean to lead with integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands? Integrity of Heart Integrity of heart is an emotional, spiritual, and practical consistency with your purpose as a leader. For example, my stated purpose for this site (and my life’s work) is: to he...