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The Free Flow of Angelic Activities 2

The Free Flow of Angelic Activities 2
There are many people who have read the word of God, have remarkable insights into the scriptures through quoting and teaching it well. But when it comes to manifestation of these scriptures within their lives, the representation of those things that they know and understand is not evident in their lives. We find out that the amount of knowledge that they have of what is happening in their lives does not justify the amount of knowledge they have received. And in cases like this, one can conclusively say that the individual is operating either under a closed heaven or the heavens are opened partially. So there is no sufficient opening over the life of that individual to have an unhindered flow of angelic activities.
For instance, in the book of Genesis, when Jacob went into Laban’s house; Laban said to him that he has learnt through experience that since he came into his household, all his cattle have multiplied and he has prospered for Jacob’s sake. Jacob did things in Laban’s house that up till now no one can explain. The scripture tells us in the book of second Samuel 14vs20 that a man can possess the wisdom that only belongs to angels who know all things upon the earth. That is how far the ministry of angels can take us when we allow it.
And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed (Gen28vs11-13). Furthermore as a result of Jacobs experience in the above scripture he had open heavens upon his life. God made some powerful pronouncement over his life. These are pronouncements that will hold in the life of anybody who understands how to keep an open heaven; where angels have the ability to go up and down. This is because if you don’t have this access the angels become hindered in their operations within your life.
So theoretically speaking you can read the word of God which says he will give His angels charge over you and that scripture may not manifest in your life. Angels are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister and they harken unto the word. When you speak the word of God and you do not have the tangible manifestation of these ministering spirits within your life it simply means you are experiencing closed heaven. This is a situation where you do not see your confessions coming to pass and your word being honoured upon the earth. What has happened in the life of such an individual is that he is experiencing what is called a restricted movement of angels. This can happen without the person understanding what it means to have an open heaven over their life. Thus, there is a concept in the scripture called “open heavens” and as Christians, we must endeavor to pray it over our lives daily.
In the scriptures we are told that when Jesus was going to be baptized by John the Baptist, the heavens were opened over Him. The reason the heavens were opened over Jesus was because He was praying when he went in for His baptism. Prayer opens up the heaven and allows this free flow of angelic activities. And if the bible tells us the heavens were opened, it means prior to that time the heavens was obviously closed therefore, it means you can have what is called the closed heaven and the opened heaven over the life of a person. For Jesus to pray, we can see that prayer is the way and manner in which we can open up the heavens over our lives. Therefore, as believers we must take our prayer life seriously if we want to get any tangible results. For without it, nothing we want done will ever be done the way God has planned it in our lives. So in order to remain in the purpose of God for our lives we must pray it out to experience open heavens and angelic activities within our environment.
“Poju Oyemade”


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