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The Story Behind Brother Copeland’s Papal Visit

The Story Behind Brother Copeland’s Papal Visit   On June 23, 2014, Kenneth Copeland, along with James and Betty Robison and other evangelical church leaders, met with the Pope in Rome at the Pope’s request. On June 30, 2014, Kenneth Copeland explained to his Partners and Friends at the Southwest Believers’ Convention the significance of this meeting. He began his talk by reviewing key points and scriptures: In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed that the body of Christ would be unified: 20 Neither for these alone do I pray [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for all those who will ever come to believe in (trust in, cling to, rely on) Me through their word and teaching, 21 That they all may be one, [just] as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You have sent Me. 22 I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may b...

Knowing God

Topic: Knowing God Text: Phil.3 Memory verse: Hos.6:3 Introduction             Knowing God goes beyond having knowledge about who he is, it includes to be aware of, think of, reflect upon and be mindful of who he is.             It is to have an experiential knowledge of God as against mere intuitional knowledge about him.             The desire to know the Lord is the greatest priority a man can ever set for himself. This is because it is God’s heartfelt desire for all his children to truly come to know him. It is for this purpose that we have been given the Holy Spirit, by whom we are enabled to know the Lord (I Cor. 2:16).             In coming to truly know the Lord, we must have a proper understanding of the subject of righteousness, we must begin t...

Following God’s Plan

TOPIC:                   Following God’s Plan TEXT:                    Jer. 29:1-14 MEM. VERSE:      Jer. 29:11 INTRODUCTION God has given man the power and ability to do all things, except to lead himself (Jer. 10:23-24). Therefore any man attempting to lead himself or walk out of God’s plan is simply acting against the will of God for his life. No man can ever have a better plan for himself than the one God has for him, this is because God is much more eager to bless us than we are desirous for His blessing.  Hence, it becomes absolutely necessary for us to understand and follow God’s plan, because therein lies our prosperity and well being. EVALUATIONS 1. Nature of God’s Plan: (a) God’s plan is perfect – Gen. 1:31 (b) God’s plan always enjoys God’s provision – I Kings 17:2-6, Neh. 2:5-8 (c...

The Power of Confession FOP/BSS/019

TOPIC:  The Power of Confession TEXT: Jam. 3:1-12 MEMORY VERSE: Matt. 12:37 INTRODUCTION Words are the basis of our existence. All through history, the outlook of everyone and everything has been a product of spoken words. The words we speak are much more powerful than many of us know. God is who he is because of his words. He does not have to work with his hands to get anything done, he simply speaks what he wants  into being (Heb. 11:3) It has always been the desire of the father that you will come to understand and appreciate the power encapsulated in your confessions, for no man can ever rise above his confessions. Evaluations 1. Discuss ways by which our confessions can be influenced 2.  Effects of Confessions a) Prov. 18:20-21 b) Num. 13:33 c) Mk. 5:28-29 d) II Kings 7:2, 19-20 3.  Maximizing Your Confessions a)   Mk. 4:24, Rom. 10:17 b)   Mk. 11:23-24 c)   II Cor. 4:13,  Heb.13:5-6 d)...

Living the fearless life FOP/BSS/018

TOPIC:  Living the fearless life TEXT: 1John 4:17-18 MEMORY VERSE: II Tim 1:7 INTRODUCTION Fear is the reciprocal of faith, it is faith in the ability of something or someone to hurt you. Fear is perceiving as real the tricks and lies of the devil that he has brought against you. Fear is the chief weapon of the devil by which he tries to get access to the believer. The assurance of  God’s love will keep you from fear and defeat. Negative emotions such as worry and anxiety are rooted in fear, so there is need for you to learn and understand how to live above fear. EVALUATIONS 1.Discuss fear and its causes  2. Dangers of fear a) Gen. 3:3-10 b) Gen. 26:7 c) Matt 14:29-31 d) Matt 26:69-75 e) Heb. 2:15 3. Overcoming fear a)     Ps 27:1, 23:4 b) Ps 118:6, Heb 13:6 c) Matt. 14:29-31 d) Rom 8:15 e) 2Cor 10:4-5 f) 1Jn 4:8 CONCLUSION It is important to stress that the most successful weapon of the en...

Unity in the Body FOP/BSS/017

TOPIC:  Unity in the Body TEXT: I Cor. 12:12-27 MEMORY VERSE: Rom. 12:5 INTRODUCTION Unity is the state of being undivided, a condition of harmony, a state of oneness in heart and purpose. Diversity of functions and operation does not imply disunity, neither does denominationalism. However, if we are not very careful our diversities will result to disunity, contrary to God’s plan and purpose. God’s master plan for the church is that we will remain a functional entity by the power of unity, disunity therefore does not glorify God. God expects us as members of one body to be united because we all have different functions and no part of the body can function effectively independent of the others. Understanding the uniqueness of every individual as well as their function in the body is fundamental to attaining unity in the body. EVALUATIONS 1. Walking in Unity a) I Pet. 3:8 b) Col. 3:12-13 c) Eph. 4:3-6 d) Phil. 2:2-4 e) I Cor. 3:4-9, 1:10 ...

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit FOP/BSS/016

TOPIC:  The Ministry of the Holy Spirit TEXT: John 16:5-15 MEMORY VERSE: John 15:26 INTRODUCTION The Holy Spirit is the third person (not in position) of the trinity (God Head). He represents God’s omnipresence as the “manifestor” of the God Head. The ministry of the Holy Spirit to the believer is simply what the Holy Spirit does in the life of the believer to make him accomplish all that God has purposed for him before time. The Holy Spirit is God’s divine provision for man’s inadequacies and a seal of our redemption. Many Christians are conscious of His presence but they are ignorant of His ministry to the believer. Knowing the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the believer will help us understand His workings in our lives and properly position ourselves to enjoy the very best the Father has for us. Here are some of the operations of the Holy Spirit in our lives: 1. Comforter:  a) John 14:26, 15:26,  b) II Cor 1:3-4 c) II Cor 7:6 2. “Convi...

The Christian Armour II FOP/BSS/015

TOPIC:  The Christian Armour II TEXT: Eph. 6:10-18 MEMORY VERSE: Eph. 6:11 INTRODUCTION As we continue in our study on this very crucial subject, it is important for us to know that our growth in grace is nothing but an understanding of that which Christ Jesus has accomplished for us by His death, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of His majesty. In the first part of this study, we majored solely on defensive weapons. This study, however, will focus on both defensive and offensive weapons that every believer must posses to be highly effective. EVALUATIONS 1. Helmet of Salvation: This involves not just being saved, but walking in the consciousness of our salvation and all its benefits. a) Gal. 1:4  b) Col. 1:13-14 c) 1Pet. 1:18-19 d)    Rom. 12:2 2. Shield of Faith: The shield of faith is dynamic in its use. It subdues and beats down every situation that the enemy may bring across our path. It also extingu...

The Christian Armour I FOP/BSS/014

TOPIC:  The Christian Armour I TEXT: Eph. 6:10-15 MEMORY VERSE: Eph. 6:11 INTRODUCTION The first thing that comes to mind when we speak of the armour is ‘battle.’ However, this is not a new battle; it is an already won battle. Jesus Christ triumphed over Satan, hell and the grave over 2000 years ago. What is expected of the believer is to live in and enforce the victory that has been secured for us in Christ (Gal. 5:1) The armour, as many may think, are not just religious weapons; each of them has a depth of revelation attached to it, and until we get this revelation, we cannot be armed with them. This study is intended to bring to light what the whole armour really represents. EVALUATIONS 1.  Belt of Truth: A clear, complete and balanced knowledge of the word of God. The belt speaks of stability in the word, to avoid being swayed by every wind of Doctrine. a) Jn. 8:31-32 b) Jn 17:17 c) Jn 16:13 d)    Eph. 4:14-15 2.  Breastpl...

Effective Prayers FOP/BSS/013

TOPIC:  Effective Prayers TEXT: Matt. 6:5-8 MEMORY VERSE: Jas. 5:16 INTRODUCTION Prayer is more than merely making a request to God. It is a life of communion with the Father, which is God’s desire for all His children. The response of God to the request  we sometimes make in our prayer time is not as important as the effect of the times spent on praying on our recreated human spirit. This is because prayer bathes the soul an atmosphere of the divine presence  and brings the mind under the hallowed influence of such communion. Indeed prayer is a vital part of a believer’s life, as Jesus encouraged persistence in prayer built on confidence in a loving heavenly Father who pays attention to His children. For a believer’s prayer to be effective, there are Biblical principles that must be followed and this is what we hope to lay hold on in this study. EVALUATIONS 1.God’s Provision for Effective Prayers a) Heb. 4:16, Rom. 5:1-2 b) John 16:23-24, John 1...

The Authority of the Believer FOP/BSS/012

TOPIC:  The Authority of the Believer TEXT: Eph. 1:18-23 MEMORY VERSE: Lk. 10:19 INTRODUCTION Authority from the Greek word, “Exousia”, means delegated power. The authority of the believer is the power and official permission given to the believer by God to act on His behalf and in His interest. The authority of the believer is backed up by the power of the Almighty God and released to every believer at new birth. However, this is an aspect of our Christian walk that very few believers know much about. The believer’s authority does not belong to a special set of people, it belongs to every believer. The enemy will continue to  do everything possible to stop us from having a revelation of this authority we have in Christ. EVALUATIONS 1. Discuss Authority 2. Basis of our Authority a) Jn. 1:12, Eph. 2:6 b) Matt. 18:18, Job 22:28 c) Lk. 9:1, Matt. 10;1 d) I Jn. 4:4, 5:4 e) Rev. 5:10 3.  Exercising Authority a)  Lk. 8:24-25 b) Job 10:12,14...

Growing in Grace II FOP/BSS/011

TOPIC:  Growing in Grace II Sub-Topic: Grace of Giving TEXT: 2 Cor. 8:1013 MEMORY VERSE: 2 Cor. 8:7   INTRODUCTION Giving is an expression of love and it is a major attribute of our loving Father. But God shows and clearly proves His (own) love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners Christ, the messiah, the anointed one, died for us! Rom. 5:8 (Amp). Scripture teaches us that apart from the fact that giving is an expression of love, it is a basic requirement for a continuous reception of good things. The one who gives never lacks. Giving can be seen from two angles; vertical and horizontal giving. The vertical giving has to do with giving to God; first our lives, worship and love. The horizontal giving has to do with giving to our fellow humans. There are many aspects of giving but for the purpose of this study, we will limit ourselves to giving our resources by means of tithes, offerings, seeds and meeting the needs of the brethren.   EVALUATIONS ...


TOPIC:  Growing in Grace I Sub-Topic: Grace for Service TEXT: Rom 12:3, 6-8 MEMORY VERSE: 2 Pet 3:18 INTRODUCTION Growth is a natural universal and valid law that cuts across every living creature. When we are born into the family of God, He does not expect us to just settle down in our comfort zone, rather He expects us to grow in grace. Grace goes beyond salvation, it is also the supernatural ability of God upon a man’s life that enables him to do beyond his physical might or ability. Our salvation was birthed by God’s grace, therefore our sustenance in the race can only be by His grace. There  are several areas of our lives that God expects us to grow in grace, but we will focus this study on growing in the grace of service to which we have been called by God. EVALUATIONS 1.  Need to serve. (Here, we get insight into the passion and urgency in the heart of God for men to avail themselves to serve in His vineyard) a) Matt. 9:37-38 b) Matt. 28:19 c...

Eternal Life (Zoe) FOP/BSS/009

TOPIC:  Eternal Life (Zoe) TEXT: 1Jn. 5:9-13 MEMORY VERSE: Jn. 10:10 INTRODUCTION Eternal life (Zoe) refers to the life of God, the  very essence of  who God is. God’s original plan at creation was that man would live forever in constant communion with Him, having dominion over everything that had been created. But when man disobeyed in the garden, spiritual death possessed him and he was severed from the life of God. God in His boundless love restored this life back to man through His dear Son Jesus. This life (Zoe) is the greatest gift God has ever given to man, because this life knows no end, failure, boundary or limitation whatsoever; it is a life of absolute victory and dominion. This life has been given to us to the intent that we should live a higher life, even while we remain on  earth. EVALUATIONS 1.  Understanding Zoe (This evaluation sheds light into what Zoe actually is so that we can appreciate this precious gift of Go...


TOPIC:  THE BLOOD TEXT: Hebrews 9: 11-14,20-28 MEMORY VERSE: Hebrews 9:14 INTRODUCTION The life of every living being is in its blood (Lev 17:11) and God has always placed great significance on blood . All through the old testament the blood of animals were shed for cleansing and purification (which were temporary) as required by the law. The high priest was required by law to present the blood in the most holy place for the atonement of all people and this he did yearly. Jesus Christ came to fulfil the law when His blood was shed  and He by Himself went once and  for all into the most holy place in heaven to offer His own blood for the remission of man’s sin. The potency of the blood of Jesus  goes beyond its ability to cleanse, it also delivers, protects, preserves, just to mention a few. Our understanding of the power of  the blood and its significance to us places us in a good position  to maximize its power. EVALUATIONS ...

FOP/BSS/007 Living Above Worry

TOPIC:  Living Above Worry TEXT: Matt 6:25-34 MEMORY VERSE: Phil. 4:6 INTRODUCTION Worry is simply meditating on negative thoughts that may or might not happen, which leads to being troubled and uneasy in mind. God’s intention for His children is for us to learn to trust and believe Him for our lives (past, present and future), so that He can accomplish great things for us, in us and through us. This study is aimed at making us know that it is possible to stay free from worry through God’s enablement and to see the need to always turn to God in absolute trust and dependence, thereby enjoying the life of God to its fullest.  EVALUATIONS 1.  Discuss worry. 2. Dangers of worry a) Worry endangers your physical health - Prov. 17:22 b) Worry leads to depression - Lk. 21:34 c) Worry will choke out God’s word, thereby making you unfruitful - Mk 4:14, 19 d) Worry is a demonstration of your lack of faith in God - 1Pet 5:7 e) ...

FOP/BSS/006 HUMILITY: The Path to Greatness

TOPIC:  HUMILITY: The Path to Greatness TEXT: PHIL. 2:1-11 MEMORY VERSE: JAMES 4:6 INTRODUCTION Humility is simply having a right estimation of one’s self, not thinking of yourself more highly or lowly than you ought to; it is having a healthy, God shaped understanding of who we are and what we have in Christ, with a willingness to lay down everything to become obedient to God’s purpose at every demand. Walking in humility is to be submissive and compliant. It reduces the power of independence and ensures absolute dependence on God. Humility, though an inward virtue, will reflect in our words and actions. EVALUATIONS 1. Discuss Humility  2. Jesus as an Epitome of Humility  (In this evaluation, we trust God to learn humility from Jesus, our icon of humility a) John 13:4-5, 13-17 b) Luke 22:27 c) Matt. 11:29, Phil. 2:7-8 d) I Pet. 2:23, II Cor. 8:9 3. God’s Promises to the Humble (Here, we seek to consciousl...


TOPIC:  FORCE OF WISDOM TEXT: PROVERBS 4:5-9 MEMORY VERSE: COL. 2:3 INTRODUCTION  Wisdom is the God given indwelt ability to correctly use knowledge. The wisdom of God does not reside in the realm of the human senses, rather it resides deep within our recreated human spirit. God’s intention for the present day church is that we may have complete understanding of the mysteries which have been hidden for ages past and that only through us will the complicated, many sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects be made known to the world. To this intent God has freely given us His dear Son, Jesus Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  EVALUATIONS 1. Nature of God’s Wisdom (This evaluation deals with the description, quality, characteristics, features, makeup, of God’s wisdom) a) James 3:17 b) Rom. 11:33, I Cor 2:7 c) Prov. 8:7-8 d) Jer.10:7 2. How to Obtain Wisdom (This e...


TOPIC:  FORCE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS  TEXT: ROMANS 5:17 - 21 MEMORY VERSE: ROM 3:21 INTRODUCTION To ‘justify’ simply means to declare righteous and to be righteous means to have a right standing. Therefore righteousness is to stand before God without any sense of guilt, condemnation or inferiority, having a complete knowledge that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fully satisfy the claims of justice for us to become the righteousness of God. Righteousness is a free gift of God to us who believe and have accepted the sacrifice of His Son for our sin. Righteousness does not have anything to do with external things, neither is it a spiritual state we attain after certain number of years of walking with God. It is simply an act of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ by his death, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father. EVALUATION 1. Understanding Righteousness  (This evaluation is intended to help us appreciate, know, re...


TOPIC:  FORCE OF FAITH TEXT: HEBREWS 11:1-6,13-16,33-40 MEMORY VERSE: II COR 5:7 INTRODUCTION Faith is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the common senses. Heb.11:1(Amp) From Adam all through to our time, faith has been God’s pre-requisite to walk with men. (Heb 11:6). Faith is not the same as optimism or wishful thinking. Faith is living in complete agreement with the word of God instead of the circumstances around you. It is living by your recreated spirit, rather than by your human senses.  Our salvation was birthed through faith in God and can only be groomed in faith. Faith is very important to Christian because everything about a Christian walk is encapsulated in faith. EVALUATIONS 1. Growing in Faith (Here, we passionately desire to learn biblical ways through which we can increase in stature faith wise) a) Rom. 10:17, Acts 14:8-10 b) Acts 2:1, Mark 3:14 c) II Tim. 1:5, II Kings 2:1-14 2. Operating Rightly in Faith...


TOPIC:  THE FORCE OF LOVE TEXT: JOHN 3:10-18 MEMORY VERSE: I JOHN 4:8 INTRODUCTION Love is true affection for God and man growing out of God's love (Agape) for us and in us. Love is more than just feelings, it is the fulfilment of God’s law. Love is about the most important thing that God want every believer to learn about, because it is in loving that we are most like Him. Love is the key issue in determining whether or not we are Christians, who have really encountered God who Himself is love (1John 4:8) EVALUATIONS 1. Nature of God's Love (Here, we try to see a vivid description, character or features of God’s unchanging love) a] Rom 12:9 b) Gal 5:13  c)1John 4:17 d)Lam 3:22, John 13:1 e)1Cor 13:4-8 2.       Love as the fundamental of Christlikeness (This evaluation conveys to our mind the truth that walking in God’s love is what makes us like Christ) a)1Cor 13:1-3, 13 b)1John 4:7-8, 3:14  c)Mk 12:29...


TOPIC: THE NAME OF JESUS TEXT: PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11 MEMORY VERSE COL 3:17 INTRODUCTION A name is a symbol of identity. It carries the authority of the bearer. A name could speak for the bearer in his/her absence. The name of Jesus means various things to different people, but to a believer, the name of Jesus signifies the authority and power of the Almighty God. (Matt 28:18). It is the believers anchor. Understanding and knowing how the name operates is the key to enjoying your rights and privileges in Christ (The Anointed) so that you can live victoriously. EVALUATIONS 1. Authority in the Name (In this evaluation, we come face to face with the incontestable truth that there is so much power that is forever attached to the name of Jesus) a) Phil 2: 9-11 b) Matt 28:18 c) Heb 1:4 d) Acts 4:12 e) Col 2:9-10 2. Efficacy of the Name (This evaluation discusses the potency inherent in the name of Jesus) a) Acts 3:6,16 b) Rom 10:13, Acts 16:30-31...

‘The Year of Victory over Death’

‘The Year of Victory over Death’ Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on October 23, 2013 Heritage of Faith Ministers Conference "Put your eyes where they need to be. Look at Me," saith The LORD. "Put My WORDS where they need to be—in your heart and mind," saith The LORD. "Demand that your mouth and your tongue of faith do its command duty to speak My WORD and commune with Me for I have great plans, and together, we will get this job done. I will organize things for you. I will run where you’ve only been able to walk. I will take you to places that you never dreamed—that you would ever even understand. And I will bring you into a place of holiness, and a place of presence with Me, that will bring you to that spot that you were in just a moment ago—where you don’t know whether you dare speak anymore or not. "Ah, for like Moses: ‘I’m standing on holy ground. My God is present and I am no longer His servant, I am His son, and I serve H...