The phrase ‘self-made’ has become a rather popular one in the world that we live in today. It refers to people who grew perhaps from nothing to become wealthy and famous. It could in a sense mean that such people don’t necessarily owe their wealth and greatness to anyone, they are self-made. However, in the kingdom of God, there are no self-made men. While we recognize the effort and hard work people put in, to become great, we also acknowledge that no man could have ever amounted to anything except the grace of God found him, and except such person opened up his heart and life to that grace. The beautiful thing is that God isn’t partial and we could all be grace made, but unfortunately, not everyone fully understands this grace and not everyone is willing to open up to it. This grace has nothing to do with what you can do for yourself, it has only to do with what God through Jesus has done for you. You say but is it that simple? Yes, it is. Men who have risen to great heights t...
...enriching the faith of the saints